Monday, November 27, 2006

Why didn't anyone tell me about this?

I have a new favorite TV show. About two weeks ago, I was flipping through the channels, and I wound up leaving it on Fox after the Simpsons and on came a show called Scrubs.

Now I had heard of the show, but never anything about it. I knew Joe & Marisa were fans, but I figured it was b/c the show was about doctors, and well they are going to med school so I just assumed it was b/c they related to things in it.

But no one ever told me, how freakin hilarious the show is. And most of the humor was absolutely nothing to do with being a doctor. It's just a smart, sometimes random, but always hysterical show.

And the best part is they play 2 episodes a night on both Fox AND Comedy Central, so I've been watching quite a few episodes lately (not all 4 a night, but I am DVRing the ones on Fox). Just a darn shame I'm only discovering the show now. Shame on all of you for not telling me about it! lol (and if you're not watching it yourself, then take my advice and start now- you won't be disappointed).


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