Thursday, July 19, 2007


I just got off the phone with an Elder Law lawyer, in reference to my dad's situation and I did not get good news.

James referred me to this lawyer, and she seems to be very knowledgeable. She was also very nice, it's just that the information she gave me doesn't bode well for my dad's situation.

Basically I want to try to protect my dad's assets while putting him on Medicaid to pay for his nursing home stay (his insurance is currently covering it, but that won't last for long).

However, I was pretty much told I can't do anything to save his assets. My dad owns a co-op apartment, and has a bit of money in the bank (which I had already transferred most of it out to my account). The lawyer said, that in order to have him qualify for public assistance he needs to spend down all his assets- including the co-op and money in the bank (so I might even have to put back the money I withdrew from his account). They'll make me sell his co-op, and take all his money in order to pay for the nursing home. Then when he basically has nothing left (which will be shortly b/c nursing homes generally run for about $12,000 per month), that's when he will be put on Medicaid.

I asked her what would happen with him if/when he were to get better? He'd have nowhere to live and no money! What could possibly be done in that case? She told me there are a few programs we could look into, but that she'd go through all our options when we met face to face.

So I have a meeting with her on Monday at 2pm (meaning I'll either have to take a half-day, which I don't have or a "sick" day). I'm praying there is some way we can sort things out without him having to lose everything.

This situation just really sucks... because the way it looks, there is no win here. If my dad gets better: great! But then he has nowhere to live and no savings to live off of. But if the worse happens, and he passes, all his assets are gone so we his children wouldn't even get the slight consolation of inheriting anything. I'm not trying to sound selfish or anything with that latter statement, but that just BLOWS. My dad worked hard for the little he has and now we his children and rightful inheritors don't get anything b/c of the damn government?!?! it just pisses me off. Freakin healthcare system... I can't wait to go see that movie Sicko. It'll probably piss me off even more, but at least I'll have more knowledge about the situation to fuel my fire. And trust me, I'd get organized and write and call local gov't representatives.

But I won't rant much longer at the moment. I'll wait til after I have my meeting with the lawyer and she runs me through all the options we have. Hopefully, things will turn out better than I am currently seeing them.

This is pretty major stuff and I'm clueless when it comes to it all, as Thank God I've never had to go through it before. But as a newbie, it's confusing and intimidating. So please keep me and my family in your prayers. Especially my mental health, cuz this stuff is driving me nuts. Thanks again!


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