Friday, June 08, 2007

Jubilee Weekend

This past weekend was my 5-year college reunion. It is know at Fordham University as Jubilee weekend: and it is a reunion for every class in 5 year increments (meaning this Jubilee was for class of 2002, 1997, 1992, all the way back to 1957).

I had been looking forward to this event for quite awhile. I've been to three previous Jubilee's. I worked the event twice: as a Junior and a Senior (well technically right after I graduated), and then we crashed it in 2003. We've all had a blast every time we've gone, b/c the gala on the Saturday night is always a good time. They usually have a live band, a DJ and the all-important open-bar.

We got a good amount of our crew to commit to attend this year, including bringing guests who were students at Fordham but graduated in different years. So the crew for the weekened consisted mostly of Me, Ariana, Phil, Ketrin, James, Henry, Viviana, Patty & Joe.

Me & Ariana arrived at Fordham around 2:45pm on Saturday. We got our intro packet, and then got ourselves a cart ride over to Martyr's Court, where we would be dorming for the night.

After we settled in our stuff, we started meeting up with people. We ran into Stevo, Frank and Eric. They were actually in the rooms right near us, which was cool. Then we headed out to McGinley Center, where we met up with a few more people and then made our way over to Keating Hall for our class picture.

Sadly, not very many people showed up for the class picture b/c they either hadn't arrived yet, or were too busy getting drunk at the Pub Party going on at the same time. So our class picture consisted of about 16 people, but that's ok, b/c I knew most of them, so it makes it more personalized, heh.

At this point we were all pretty hungry, so we headed over to Arthur Ave and went to Full Moon pizza for some lunch/dinner. On the way back to campus, we picked up some beer and ice for the coolers we had brought with us to the dorms.

Joe & Patty arrived just as we were getting back to the dorms, and they had brought a cooler of their own, filled with booze, so we had them pile everything in our room (which became "Party Central") and hung out for a little while.

Then we started to get ready for the evening gala, which was under a tent on Eddie's Parade. It was a formal event, so all the guys were looking pretty sharp and the ladies were gorgeous as always. We took a bunch of pics outside on Eddie's and then headed in.

Sadly the food at the gala totally sucked. But lucky for me, I decided to have 2 slices of pizza earlier, so it helped tide me through the night.

The rest of the gala was a fun time though. We caught up with a few of our old friends, got nice and toasty at the open bar, tore up the dance floor and took tons of pics- including going to Keating Hall and taking a bunch of shots under the huge Fordham banner there. It was made more amusing by the fact that me and James both had DX shirts underneath our suits. So we opened them up and took some DX pose shots.

The gala ended earlier than usual (at 1:30am) so after that we wandered around for some more drinks and for something to eat. We decided to go "old school" and make a run to White Castle. However, before we did that, we stopped by the dorms so the ladies could change their shoes to make for a more comfortable walk.

As we made our way outside the dorm, we stopped so that James could cut a Stone Cold Steve Austin promo- wearing his "WHAT?" Shirt and with a few "steveweisers" as well. I've posted the promo below for everyone to see.

Then after that, we made our way to White Castle (and yes, James was still soaked in beer, lol). However, to our huge disappointment, White Castle was no longer fully open 24 hours. The drive-thru was open but the dinning hall now closes at midnight. We were really upset b/c we were starving, plus it ruined completing our "Fordham experience."

Everything else in the area had been long closed, but since we were really hungry, we were forced to go to the gas station to grab some hotpockets and burritos to microwave.

We then headed back to dorms, and at this point we had lost more than half the crew so we decided to call it a night (sadly we were unable to have World Stressball War III, but maybe that was a good thing, considering the condition most of us were in).


The next morning we woke up and headed back over to the tent for a Sunday brunch. Thankfully, I took care of myself the night before, drinking lots of water, so I didn't wake up with a hangover. Most of the rest of the crew couldn't claim the same thing though, lol. We looked pretty out of it. We still had fun though. me and James once again matched theme-shirts as he wore his Original NWO shirt and I wore my Wolfpac NWO shirt.

After the brunch, we took some shots over by the Fordham Ram near Hughes Hall, and then went to the bookstore so people could buy some Fordham merch. Finally, we went back to the dorms to pack, and say goodbye to everyone. We hung out a bit on the lawn, and Stevo finally was able to fulfill his Fordham experience by heading to White Castle and bringing back some for everyone.

And that was about it for the Jubilee weekend. However, our weekend wasn't done. Each of us went home to rest, but then some of us came back out again that night to go to Phil's to see the WWE One Night Stand PPV- which actually turned out to be quite a decent PPV. That wound up signaling the end to our very fun weekend.


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