Wednesday, May 16, 2007

And the decision has been made..

So I spoke to my dad's doctor in the palliative care unit on Tuesday, and we made the decision to have my dad extubated (taken off the ventillator) on Thursday at 10am.

My sister is flying in tonight (which sucks for her b/c of the weather and her flight has been delayed like crazy so far... she hasn't even left Pittsburgh yet), and Ariana and my grandparents will be there for the procedure. One or two of my dad's cousins is planning on being there as well, and we are also having the pastor of my church come in to pray for my dad beforehand.

So it's a pretty sad time... but we know we are making the best decision. We had been struggling and wondering if we were doing the right thing, but the Lord granted my dad enough strength to make his wishes clear to his doctor (with 2 of his friends as witnesses), as I mentioned in the last post. So at least my sister and I won't be tortured in thinking if we made the right decision. It still sucks, but at least that's some weight off our shoulders.

I'm planning on staying the entire day tomorrow (Thursday) at the hospital, and may stay over for the night as well, depending on how things progress. So to any of my friends who may leave messages to me online, I probably won't see them til Friday. I can take calls (cuz I finally got my minutes back), but I don't wanna kill them right away again, so if anything- if you aren't Verizon, if you can call me after 9pm tomorrow that'd be best.

So just please keep my dad and my family in your prayers as it's going to be an emotionally draining time the next few days. Thanks a lot everyone. My love goes out to you all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're here for you man.

12:17 PM  

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