Sunday, May 13, 2007

Another night of Birthday fun!

I should be sleeping right now, but I just had to put up a post about the day I had before I head to bed.

Well first off, some very good news. Ariana and I were able to book both a photographer and a DJ for the wedding today. We went through a company called Prestige Weddings, which was referred to us by our friend Antoinette, who is also using them for her wedding. We got a really good deal, so we're excited about that. We are also quite relieved b/c those were two things we really wanted to get done this month, and now that that is out of the way, we have a little bit of breathing room in terms of the wedding planning.

Then later tonight we went to Patty's birthday dinner party at Coromandels (which is an Indian restuaruant in New Rochelle). I had never had Indian food before, so this was me being quite experimental. I actually enjoyed it though! Granted, I got something on the safer side (a type of BBQ chicken), but it was decent. My favorite part was one of the breads we tried though. It was really good.

Following the dinner, we all went back to Joe & Patty's place to play "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" During the dinner, Joe had each of us fill out a sort of "survey" and he used those in order to come up with topics for us to use in the game. Pretty much everyone went over for the game, so we had almost 20 people in total.

And while none of us are anywhere quite as talented as the people on the actual show, we all had an amusing time. Both Henry and Pete took some videos during the night, so I'm sure those will be on youtube shortly (and I'll link to them on my blog later as well).

As the night went on, we lost about half the crew, til there were only 10 of us left= me, Ariana, Joe, Marisa, Phil, Ketrin, Jordan, Maryann, Joe & Patty. At that point we decided to play Taboo.

And wow, if we thought Whose Line was amusing, things were JUST getting started. We split into two teams (5 people on each time). My team was: Joe, Marisa, Patty & Jordan against Joe's team of Phil, Ketrin, Maryann & Ariana. We unofficially declared Joe's team as "Team Drunkie" b/c Ketrin was absolutely hammered by this point, and even though she was the only member totally drunk, she was so gone, it covered for the rest of the team, heh (although surprisingly, she wound up being one of the best members on their team, as she got them the most points everytime she was the clue giver).

There were a few hysterical moments during the game, but the two funniest (to me at least) were when Phil was the clue giver and at one point he was kind of stuck on a card, so he enthusiastically, gives the clue of "V" (nothing else, just "V," giving a handsign for it and all). At that point Joe Vozz (who was the one with the buzzer checking that Phil didn't give any of the clues on the card), starts busting out laughing. He was laughing so hard he nearly fell out of his chair. Phil's time soon ran out and no one guessed the word, so we immediately asked Joe to tell us what the word was. He was still laughing so hysterically that he couldn't even tell us, so he showed us the card and the word was:


-And dammit... that got the half of the room, who actually "got it" to practically fall out of our chairs along with Joe. I know me and Jordan especially got a kick out of it, b/c we actually remembered the show.

(and for those who still don't get the joke- "V" was a TV mini-series that aired in 1984, about a group of aliens that invaded earth that looked like humans, but were actually like reptiles underneath the human skin. It was quite a creepy show, and I remembered being pretty freaked out by it as a small child. It was just so absolutely random that Phil picked that fairly obscure show as his example and expected people to guess the answer... freakin hysterical).

And the next hilarious part was on Ketrin's final turn as the clue-giver (and Patty was the one with the buzzer) when she got a card and went "it goes 'woof woof'" and people started to guess kinds of dogs until Phil quickly guessed "POODLE!" and she was like "yes! you're right!" and started to go to the next card but then Patty was just kind of like "umm... the card says "puddle." Which just got all of us to crack up (b/c as I stated earlier, Ketrin was pretty wasted at this point).

My team wound up winning the game by a score of 57 to 49. And then we just laid back and were chilling while Joe and Marisa were tossing back and forth a few small "stress-toy" cows that Joe had brought out earlier as props for "Whose Line."

Well soon, the tossing of the cows somehow morphed into a full scale war of everyone throwing the cows at each other (b/c mind you there were about 20 or so of these cows and shortly after the battle began, the cows began to become mutilated and lose body parts, which we also used as ammo). The room split into a full warzone. The two Joe's were on one side, Phil & Ketrin were in the middle, and everyone else was on the other side. And we were seriously pelting these things at one another. We put up barricades, were crawling around like we were in the trenches, and the two Joe's even took Maryann as a prisoner at one point.

This battle waged on for a good 25-30 minutes too. It was like we regressed to being twelve years old again. It was great. Joe said he could probably get his hands on another bag of cows so we're hoping to possibly recreate this scene at Jubilee. But we'll see. It was just spontaneous and fun, so I don't know if it'd be the same, but oh man, was it crazy.

So yeah, today was a very good day overall, with a really fun night. It has definitely been a great year for birthday parties so far!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya know I used to think college was the best time ever but things lately have been really great. I am looking foward to Jubilee. I expect the girls to be hammered :P

11:03 PM  

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