Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Resurrection Sunday!

Or Easter as most people call it. My church (and many other churchs in recent years) prefer the term Resurrection Sunday, as opposed to Easter b/c Easter is basically the pagan term (that's where you start getting into bunnies, colored eggs and all that other stuff). "Resurrection Sunday" gets more to the point of what the day is actually about. But whichever term you use, I hope it was a good one for you!

Mine was decent. It was pretty much the first full normal day that I've had this week. I mean, my dad was obviously still in my thoughts, but things were as close to normal today as possible (church, going to grandma's for dinner, watching a DVD with my family, going to Ariana's, etc). Last night was good for me also. We went to Laguna Restaurant in White Plains for Marisa's b-day dinner, and then after that a bunch of us went to Burke's (a bar in Yonkers) to have a few drinks and watch an acquaintance of our's band perform. So at least my sister and I have been able to take time out of the crazyiness to try to lead normal lives.

Tomorrow (well later today I should say), is gonna be crazy though. I've got a TON of things to do- mostly dealing with stuff for my dad. And if I have any free time, I have to finally get started on all the school work that I was supposed to do last week... so wish me luck with that!

There is some more I'd like to share, but it's getting late and I have an early morning, so just check back tomorrow where I'll hopefully have another update ready to go.


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