Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Unbridled Fury

This already has been without a doubt the two worst days I've had in my entire life, and last night (Tuesday night) was just the icing on the freakin cake.

I had calmed down since last night, but just thinking about what happened has my blood boiling all over again. So bare with me as I type this (at least it's better than me trying to explain it verbally).

So as I'm sure you've all read already, my dad is in a deep coma with severe brain damage and things aren't looking good at all. The suddenness of it all, along with just seeing my dad lying there with all those tubes and needles sticking out of him and being so swollen was hard enough as it was. But then seeing him again after learning what his most likely fate would be, well heart-breaking/wrenching are the only words I can use to describe the feelings I was having (am still having).

So on TOP of all that, you wouldn't believe what happened last night...

The dancer that was with my dad (Katiria), had my dad's belongings (he gave them to her when he entered the hospital). I let her hold onto the cell phone b/c she was fielding the calls from his friend, co-workers, etc. But she had forgotten his wallet and keys on Monday. I said that was fine, but asked her to bring it the next day, which was yesterday (Tuesday).

Tuesday comes along, and she visits in the middle of the day but once again she forgot the keys. She said she would be coming back in the afternoon or night, so we were like "ok, just don't forget b/c we're leaving tonight" (b/c we were gonna start the process to try to transfer my dad out of Hartford and back to NY so he can be closer to us all).

We spoke a few times on the cell (she was using my dad's cell b/c she doesn't have her own) throughout the day, and the last time I spoke to her was at 7pm, while my family was having dinner, just to remind her once again, and she said she would be at the hospital soon.

So two hours pass, and at 9pm, we're all like "where is this chick? We don't wanna leave mad late and be driving at 3 o'clock in the morning!" So we tried calling my dad's cell again and it rang and rang but then went to voicemail.

I tried again about 20 minutes later, this time it only rang twice then went to voicemail. And every time I tried afterwards it would only ring once and then go to the voicemail. At that point I was thinking "maybe the battery died, b/c she might have been fielding a lot of calls."

So I try the house number that she gave us. Two women answered (which I think were her mom and aunt). I asked where Katiria was and they said she was out and they had no idea where she was. So I told them, to have her contact me as soon as they heard from her, b/c we needed my dad's stuff tonight since we were leaving.

Tried the cell a few more times- 1 ring- voicemail. Over and over.

I then tried the house number again (it's about an hour after the first try), and this time some dude answers. I ask where Katiria is and he says he has no idea, and that he really has nothing to do with her. I ask if there is anyway to contact her and he said she doesn't have her own cell, so no idea. So I asked the guy about his mom or aunt all like "well what about her mom or aunt, I met them last night, do they live there? Like can I speak with them?"

And the dude proceeds to say "You're asking a lot of questions. I can't answer you, I don't know you, and you're asking a lot of questions." At this point I'm getting suspicious, b/c a person doesn't say something like that if they don't have anything to hide...

So I call my dad's friend who had been coming to visit everyday (he lives right in Hartford) and he knew Katiria and her family to get information about this family. At the same time I hopped on the computer, went to the white pages and did a reverse-phone number search to find out where they lived. The address was less than 2 miles away, and my dad's friend knew where the place was so he offered to come with us.

While I'm on the phone with my dad's friend I put my dad's cell phone number into Ariana's phone and told her to call. I then stepped out of the room to continue my conversation, but I heard from outside that Ariana was speaking with someone.

The person who answered my dad's cell was either Katiria's mom or aunt, and they proceed to tell Ariana that she's sleeping. So right there, we now know that they were screening my calls AND lying to us.

At this point, Ariana is trying to be mediator. She's asking the lady to wake Katiria up, b/c we needed my dad's stuff since we were leaving that night and had no hotel to stay at. The lady is like "she took sleeping pills earlier, I'm not waking her up." So Ariana is like "Katiria said she was coming back tonight, we're waiting and she NEEDS to come, please wake her up." The lady once again refuses and says "she's had a very rough week, I'm not waking her up." So Ariana gets pissed all like "ROUGH WEEK?!?! Who's had a rougher week right now than his son and daughter!?!? I'm BEGGING YOU, BEGGING YOU to wake her up!!" My sister is overhearing this and starts screaming in the background, "get that bitch up!!" Ariana says to the lady "look, I'm gonna put his daughter on the phone..." and the lady has the nerve to say:

"you can put whoever you want on the phone, I'm not changing my mind."

At this point, everyone in the room was going NUTS (at this point I haven't heard all of this b/c I was still outside the room on the phone with my dad's friend but I heard all the yelling).

So in the end, we decided I was gonna pick up my dad's friend (I'm leaving his name out on purpose), and then call the cops and go over there to get my dad's stuff.

But as we were leaving, my blood was just BOILING. So was everyone else's, especially my sister who was so angry she was twitching. And poor Ariana was all shaken up as well.

As for me... most of you have never seen me angry. You may have seen me upset (and even that is rare), but never angry. And that's b/c I have a VERY high tolerance level. I can tolerate way more than the average person. However, I'm the kind of person who will give you all the chances in the world up to a certain point, but if you get me to my breaking point, than that's it. No more chances- I lose it, and good luck getting me back under control.

And that was the point I was at last night. I was ready to grab the club from my car, go to this chick's house, start bashing in windows and demanding my dad's stuff. Because how DARE they put us through this at this time in our lives!?!! We've just gone through two days of pure hell, and then this gets added on top of it??? Unacceptable. I don't remember the last time I'd been that angry.

So anyways, we pick up my dad's friend and go to the place (well we park a block away so we wouldn't be seen) and call the police (well actually we called the police on the way).

We did notice as we passed by that the people (well the family, not Katiria) were either getting into or out of the car. So we were freaking out that they were gonna make a run for it or something (since they don't technically live there- their house burned down awhile ago, so they're staying with the grandmother).

Thing is the cops up there were pains in the ass. We called the cops and they said they would dispatch someone. But when we saw they looked like they were trying to leave, we called the cops back making it more urgent, and they said no one had been dispatched yet. Then like 15-20 mins later we called again, and STILL no one was dispatched, so we're all freaking out, and we're trying to make them see the severity of the situation, but we got this bitch of a woman who had the gall to say stuff all like "you're not gonna get anywhere with that tone of voice" and "don't yell at me, this isn't a priority. We don't even know if we can help you." And I'm trying not to flip out on her, but OMG, my blood was already boiling, and if the woman was in front of me, she very well may have gotten bitchslapped (if not by me then by my sister for sure).

But they were telling us stuff like "we may not be able to do anything, b/c we don't have any proof the belongings are yours. You'd need a warrant, etc" I was flipping out, trying to explain the situation with my dad, but the legalities were driving us insane. But we waited for the cops to arrive anyway.

Once the cops did arrive, we spoke to them, and they pretty much told us the same thing the cops on the phone had. But we appealed to them to ask them anyways. And we told them to speak directly to Katiria b/c according to my dad's friend, her family was no good, and that "he wasn't surprised with these people."

So we waited in the car while the cops went to the house. Thankfully they did speak to Katiria and she gave them the keys, cell phone, wallet and his bag of clothes. So while it was a hell of a thing to go through, at least it was over.

(EDIT: the following parts were added later today- as I had started this post this morning and some of this crazyiness hadn't happened yet).

Or so we thought...

You'd think that was as bad as it could get right? So did we. We went back to NY (didn't arrive til nearly 5am), slept and today our plan was to go to my dad's apartment, and try to both find his papers for the insurance and coop as well as the numbers for his family to inform them of dad's situation. We got a later start to the day than we would have liked, but we were very tired, so we didn't get to his place til around 2pm.

So we arrive at my dad's coop building, and there is no key for the main door. And when we get up to the apartment, none of the keys worked for his door either. Actually, after we got a look at the keys, there was only one regular sized key, and we noticed the keyring chain that said "Bless This House" was noticably missing a set of keys.

So the freakin chick (and/or her family) kept the keys!!!!

We once again became infuriated. We just couldn't believe we were going through this. We tried to go to the administration building for the coop to explain the situation and get the keys but they said they couldn't give us the keys without power of attorney, but thing is any papers that have that (well if there are any at all), would be INSIDE the apartment.

So we're basically stuck in a vicious circle. I've been speaking with people including the social worker at the hospital and they're suggesting we just go to probate court, but I don't know how long that whole process will take, and if it needs a lawyer or not. And if it does, that's not free. Plus now we gotta worry that this chick and her family could come to my dad's apartment and basically ransack it. Which would infuriate us to no end, b/c those bastards don't deserve a damn thing.

But in the end, we just want my dad here in NY, get his papers and inform his family, so we can put this all behind us.

I'm physically and emotionally drained. I don't want to deal with this garbage and it's not right that we have to go through this due to a bunch of idiots. We just want to take time to absorb all this, grieve for my father, make our peace with things, and just pray. And we can't even do that in peace b/c these pieces of human garbage are screwing things up.

I can't even put into words how I'm feeling right now... this situation just keeps getting more intense and crazy, and we just need your prayers now more than ever.

I just ask that you pray that God puts a strong sense of guilt and fear into the hearts of the people that are messing with us. I pray that their consciences eat away at them, and that they realize they will get nothing out of it in the long run and make things right. I also ask that you all pray that things go well for us in getting the papers we need. Let people with good hearts be put in our path the next few days who will do all they can to help us get what we need and let it come to us quickly, so we don't have to deal with this anymore and get back to the truly important thing and that's helping my dad.

So that's where things are at now... hopefully I'll have better news in my next post.


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