Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Some thoughts going through my head

I've been feeling a tad anxious lately. Things seem to be coming together well, but it just has me thinking about how busy I'm going to be and how much things are going to change in the next few months.

First, there is the process of getting the co-op apartment I mentioned in the last post. It's kind of on pause at the moment, b/c the lawyer we're going to use is away this week, but things will start back up next week. So we gotta figure out the mortgage, deal with the co-op board, etc. And then once we actually close on the place, we gotta deal with fixing it up (and decorating it). And even though I know I'll have help in that aspect, it still seems like a daunting task ahead of me.

Then there is the wedding planning going on at the same time. As most of you know, Ariana and I are planning to get married in October, so plans are full speed ahead. We spoke with my pastor, and he let us know which dates were available, and now we're in the process of researching and calling different sites to hold the reception. It's a hard task, mostly b/c we're working with a tight budget, but things are coming along (although if anyone has any suggestions, we'll gladly take them).

And finally, there is school. This semester looks like it could be a little more difficult than the previous one, mostly b/c this semester I have two term papers to do (which are always the bane of my academic existence). It's also pretty reading-heavy for the beginning of the semester but at least I know it's gonna slow down later.

So these things are stressing me enough, but then there is just the whole getting ready to finally leave home. I've never lived on my own before (well other than a few summers when I dormed at Fordham), so one thing I really need to do is learn to cook. I think the rest will fall into place, but cooking is something I definitely need to learn to do soon. So that's another thing that is going to take up time in my life.

And that's not even mentioning that before all these things came at me, I had been thinking of being a more active person. Cuz generally when I get home, it's the same routine- I workout (sometimes), play some Wii (or Guitar Hero), and watch lots of TV on my DVR. And that's fine, b/c I enjoy those things, but I've been thinking lately that I want to actually DO something. For example, my mom's husband is a graphic artist, so I see him always designing things on the computer, or learning an instrument and writing songs. I've always wanted to do stuff like that, but I've just been lazy. And I'm tired of being lazy. One good thing is that with the whole apartment thing coming up, I think that will solve this issue for me, b/c that will be something I will have a huge hand in building.

But then I've also been thinking about friendships and how I've been out of touch with some people. This has come up, especially in the last few weeks due to a few situations that have occured (which I'll get into in another post). But basically, I wanna be more in touch with my friends. I used to be on AIM all the time, and constantly chatting with people and stuff. And I'm still on, but not really. I have the AIM on, but I'm always watching TV or doing something else. And I never call anyone anymore (which is probably more the internet's fault than mine but still). I want to make sure I keep all the great friendship's I have and not be left out due to me not reaching out as much as I used to. I know these thoughts and ideas might be unfounded, but it's what is floating through my head at the moment, and this is my venue to share it so I'm taking advantage of it (hey, half of the title of this blog IS "random thoughts").

So yeah, I just felt I had to get that off my chest. If anyone has anything to say about what I've written, please feel free to share.


Blogger Unknown said...

I know what you mean about feeling lazy. Its not that you lazy really, but you just get in a rut doing the same thing over and over and over and over. I think we're in our quarter life crisis or something, cuz everyone is getting this at one degree or another. Oh and the life changes don't help either like the fact that I'll be moving out in the upcoming months and I'm pondering if I should get a masters in Graphics Design. Is it worth it, do I have the time, when should I start, should I just work more? Etc. Ugh. Head hurts.

11:45 AM  

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