Thursday, February 15, 2007

Quick January catchup

I'm not even going to go into a lot of detail over the month of January, b/c well... it's a full month, and I don't feel like it. Plus there are things in February I wanna hurry up and blog about. So here we go, full speed ahead.

-I played a lot of Guitar Hero (both 1 & 2), especially at the beginning of the month. I'm doing pretty well in it too. I'm now in the process of trying to earn 5 stars on every song on medium, and I'm pretty close. I only have a few left for the first GH, and I have five stars on 33 of the 40 songs in GH2. I tried hard mode once, just to see if I was good enough yet, since I was doing well in medium, and well... hard is another world all it's own. I couldn't even beat the first venue. So I'll just keep trying to fully beat medium, and then I'll try moving on again.

-I also played a lot of Wii. It's tons of fun, and a pretty good workout, if you actually stand up and do all the full motions like you would in real life. So I add that to my DDR and regular workout routine for some extra cardio. At the current moment (now in Feb), I have reached Pro Status in Baseball, Bowling and Boxing. And i'm fairly close in Tennis as well.


Went to the movies only twice in Jan. First, I went to see Happy Feet with Ariana, my Mom and Pat. We had heard so much about it, that we just had to go see it. And I gotta say, it was a pretty fun movie, for both kids and adults. I fully enjoyed it.

The next movie we saw was during a sort of "guy's night out" with some of my old church crew. We went downtown to the AMC on 42nd street to see Pan's Labyrinth. I didn't know ANYTHING about the movie before seeing it, but my buddy David really wanted to see it (I was leaning more towards seeing Children of Men, but I was out voted). But in the end I thought it was a good flick. Then after the movie the guys (me, David, Matt, Joey and Jason B), went to the Times Square Brewery for some food and drinks, and we closed the place down.


Throughout the month, I went into hardcore planning mode to try to get our proposed cruise trip off the ground. I wound up getting us a really great deal (especially for the summer). A full 7 day cruise to the Eastern Caribbean along with the flight down to Florida for under $1000.

But sadly, almost everyone flaked on us. We needed 8 rooms in order to be considered a group (which is about 16 people), and in the end we only had about 7-8 people who were committed to the trip. So that had me a bit bummed. Although in the end, it may have worked out for the best- at least for me and Ariana (I'll explain why in a future post).

I caught up with the entire series of the new Battlestar Galactica. I bought the first season on DVD, and had the entire second season and all of the current third season recorded on my DVR. So I started watching during the Christmas break, and by watching at least 1-2 episodes a night (and even 3-4 on a handful of occassions), I was up to date with the latest episode by the end of the month.

And I have to say, the show is AMAZING. I had been hearing about the show for quite some time, and had always wanted to watch, but I was behind and didn't wanna just jump right in. But I'm glad I took the time to watch the entire series, b/c the critics aren't kidding when they call the series "one of the best shows on television." It's got all the drama of 24, (as well as the action, and even the torture sequences, lol). Also, due to the nature of the enemy on the show, basically ANY character could be a traitor, and they might not even know it! So it really keeps you guessing.

I'd definitely advise anyone who may be on the fence of whether or not they should give the show a try to go ahead and do it. Buy the DVDs and have a blast. I do have to warn that the first season can be a little... I don't wanna say "slow," but they throw a LOT of information at you in the first few episodes, and it takes awhile to really get rolling. But trust me, hang in there and you will be rewarded GREATLY, especially in the middle of the second season, which I'd consider one of the greatest collections of episodes in almost any TV series I've ever watched.


Henry & Pete's huge b-day party was at the end of the month. We only got to go to one part of the three-pronged party, but we enjoyed ourselves for the bit we were there. But overall, it was a slow month in terms of outtings b/c Ariana was studying all month for her comps exam (which she took on Fri. Feb 2nd). That's explains why most of my highlights for the month have to do with video games, movies and TV shows, lol.


I also restarted grad classes at the end of the month. I don't think I got to mention before, but I got an A in both my classes last semester. So I'm very proud of that. This semester I'm taking Multicultural Counseling and Groups Counseling. So wish me luck in those classes!


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