Thursday, December 14, 2006

Finishing up November

The weekend of Thanksgiving was a pretty busy time for me, as you all read in my last post. That Saturday me, Ariana, Jenny and Robbie went to Fordham Rd to go shopping. I normally can't stand shopping on Fordham Rd, but Jenny needed some new clothes and she likes the styles of the stuff that's there. The one upside is we got to go to Mike's Papaya over on Kingsbridge Rd beforehand.

The good food continued later on as well when we all decided to go to "Ghetto slice" and get ourselves a pie of bacon pizza. Oh man... was that absolutely delicious.

When we got home, my mom & Pat had company. A guy from my church, Isaac, who's around my age, but he hangs out with my parents a bit to practice and record music for church. So after we all ate, we decided to take advantage of my new Wii system being in the living room and we all took turns playing the Wii Sports game that came with the system.

We had fun creating "Mii" characters for everyone (most of them came out really well), and the games were fun as well. We really enjoyed the Bowling game. Isaac's favorite was the Boxing though. He could have played that thing all night. We started the gaming off with that and he beat me about 3-4 times in a row. We then switch to the other games (where everyone played), played those for a little over an hour, and then Isaac rechallenged me to boxing. I did a lot better this time and beat him about 4 times in a row. But everyone was just getting a kick out of watching us play the game, especially my mom and Pat. They actually took a video of us playing on my camcorder. I tried posting a video of it on myspace, but I need to learn how to change the video type to something myspace supports. It currently saves as a .mod file. I need to convert it to a .mov, .wmv or something that most players can work with. (If anyone has any suggestions on how to do that, it'd be greatly appreciated).

The video is pretty funny, we're really going at it. And at the point it was recorded it was about 40 minutes into the boxing alone (with the extra hour + of game time before that), so we were all tired and sweaty (which accounts for why I'm winded after each round, I may not be in great shape yet, but I ain't that bad, lol).


Jenny & Robbie left back for Pittsburgh the next day, so we all went to my grandmother's place for a quick family gathering before they headed out.

That night, me and Ariana went to Phil's for the WWE Survivor Series PPV. The show itself was alright (nothing special), but I kicked all kinds of ass in Fantasy. I finished 18th amongst ALL players for the week. That also earned me the World and IC titles for the week, so that was cool.


Not to much else happened during that week. We had another college trip, this time with Alex's school. We went to Seton Hall University (it's a pretty cool place). And I bought Clerks 2 on DVD. Then that weekend, me and Ariana were both extremely busy working on final papers/projects we had due, so we were basically locked in all weekend. The only thing we did was go to Phil's house again on Sunday night for the ECW December to Dismember PPV... and man if I knew what a piece of garbage that was gonna be I probably would have just stayed home. It was seriously one of the worst PPVs in YEARS. Even worse than some of the Smackdown PPVs from about 2 years back. I'm talking going back to the first WCW/NWO Souled Out kind of bad.

It's so sad, WWE has officially killed ECW. I mean, it was never the same as it was since the last time we saw it in 2001, but there was potential. But at this point... there isn't even potential... it just sucks.

Let's go TNA!


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