Friday, January 12, 2007


So the latest season of the WWE Fantasy game came to an end in December. And if you've seen my myspace account in the last few weeks, you prob already know what happened. You just don't know HOW things went down.

Well it's a pretty amusing story (well to me at least), that was very much like how a wrestling story may go down. So I'm gonna copy and paste the post I put on our Fantasy wrestling website which will detail the happenings.


At around 1pm today (Dec 18th), James called me at work to tell me that they wound up scoring the Naughty or Nice Diva Lingerie Contest from the PPV last night as a specialty match. And since Santa declared "everybody" was the winner, they gave all the divas specialty match PPV victory points, thus giving James the FSW Heavyweight title by a mere 8 points.

[Reading that sentence out of context or thinking as someone who doesn't watch wrestling, that must be one of the oddest sentences ever... lol]

I was at work, so I couldn't fully voice my frustration, but obviously I thought it was BS, especially after the board ruling they had made in Week 4 about lingerie contests and dance-offs.

So later on, I get home, and check the scores for myself, and to my surprise they have me on top as the winner of the League by 16 points! (As evidenced below)

1 Darth Asskicker 3265 326.5
2 Revenge 3249 324.9
3 Synchronized Spellers 3154 315.4
4 ""About Chaz-He can't swim" 3127 312.7
5 2... So Close! 3106 310.6
6 Damn You Week 2 2582 258.2
7 SBLOUNSKCHED!!! 2363 236.3
8 Regal's Phallus 2308 230.8
9 Vicious Voodoo 2296 229.6
10 Thorium Bar Brawlers 2272 227.2
11 Wolfpack is back 2022 202.2

And the weekly score I saw was:
1 ""About Chaz-He can't swim" 437
2 Revenge 435
3 2... So Close! 419
4 Synchronized Spellers 409
5 Darth Asskicker 399
7 Vicious Voodoo 261
8 Wolfpack is back 252
9 Regal's Phallus 246
10 Thorium Bar Brawlers 228
11 Damn You Week 2 205

So when I saw these scores, I called James, b/c I thought he was just yanking my chain before just to rile me up. But he hadn't seen the changes, so when he checked them, he was pissed off. He had even printed out the page showing his victory by 8 points.

We figured out what they did is that they gave the Divas regular PPV match and win points, but took away the specialty match and win points (which was a difference of 24 points, so James went from winning by 8 to losing by 16).

This doesn't make sense either though!

In the end, my opinion is that they board needs to stick by their guns and just give the divas only 5 points each. According to the WWE Fantasy Rulings page:
" SCORING SPECIAL CONTESTS (ECW on Sci Fi, Week 4) Questions have been pouring in about why Trinity did not receive match points for the ECW Divas Halloween Contest. As of Season 8, the Board has ruled that only contests that can have a clear and defined winner by definite criteria will count as "specialty matches." For example, Strip Poker in Week 1 counted because there is a definite set of rules for the game and a winner could be determined impartially. The Bikini Bull-Riding Contest from SNME in Season 7 also would fall under this rule. However, in the case of Bikini Contests, Diva Dance-Offs, Halloween Costume Contests or any other contest where there is an impartial determination of a winner, it is unfair for Superstars, Extremists or Divas to receive Specialty Match points based on a subjective determination. We realize this may be an unpopular decision, but it was made in the interest of preventing impartial controversy. "

So you can see my reasoning, and I think I'm right. Especially b/c if you take what "Santa" said in context at the PPV, when he was asking the audience to cheer for the winner, at the end he said "the winner is EVERYBODY!" meaning the AUDIENCE, not the divas. I think that right there is the definition of "impartial." (and dammit, Layla definitely got the biggest reaction so she should have won, if it was being fairly scored).

But you know what, if they're gonna screw me, then they need to do the job right and just give each diva the full 33 points. That'll give me full ammunition to come back with next season, when me, James and Chaz have our "Champion of Champions match" that will headline the Wrestlemania Fantasy Season.

But we'll have to wait and see the final determination after 4pm, b/c I also noticed they only gave Mr. Kennedy only 30 points total (and Undertaker only 54), when each should have gotten more (especially Kennedy) b/c Kennedy hit UT with a chair 9 times (plus one extra object shot later), and UT had at least 4 object shots himself.

But yeah, right now I'm just imaging how a title match ends and one ref declares the challenger the new champ, but then another ref runs in, says it was a cheap victory and declares the champ retains. But then the damn title gets held up until a later decision.

It makes for a fun Fantasy ending, I'd say.


That was what I posted the first day. But when the final scores were made official the next day, there were no changes made in terms of the divas scores (they did update the Undertaker-Kennedy and other points though) so I officially won the season! It wasn't how I would have wanted to do it, but hey a victory is a victory.

James was obviously pissed and felt ripped off, and while I would normally be the "face" and be sympathetic, I decided to turn full on heel and rub the loss in his face. It started as just a little bit of ribbing on our myspace fantasy site, but I dropped the bomb when I sent him a very special "Merry Christmas" card on Christmas Day.

I've posted the "card" right below (you'll prob need to click on it to make it bigger to read what I put in it):

So with that, I've become full-fledged heel in our Fantasy group. I've always been the "face" being courteous and gracious to everyone in victory, but after winning the title 3 times and getting no respect from my peers (sort of like John Cena), I've decided to now rub it in all their faces (sort of like Triple H). While James has become the "heel turned fan favorite (think the Rock, Steve Austin, etc)," especially after being screwed that last week.

So the feud is heading for a payoff at Wrestlemania. It's gonna be fun.

(And hopefully being heel won't completely bite me in the ass, b/c the very few times I decided to gloat during any previous season, I would do TERRIBLY the following week, so we'll have to see how this works out for me, heh).

The next season starts on Jan 22nd. I'll let you all know how I do the week after.


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