Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Catching up with Christmas and more

I skipped a bunch of stuff in order to get to my year-end awards, but I do want to catch up on some stuff that happened in December, so I'm just gonna jump right in.

The first full week of December I bought a few DVDs. I got Pirates of the Caribbean 2, 24- Season 5, and Animaniacs Vol 2. I purchased Pirates 2 specifically for the long college trip we were going on the next day. We were taking students from Felix's schools to the University of Connecticut, so we needed some good long movies to watch for the ride back and forth. So we watched Pirates going up, and X-Men: The Last Stand coming back (I brought both the movies).


That weekend (specifically Sat. Dec 9th) we had Ariana's b-day party at the Brasiero Churrascaria on Central Ave. A bunch of people came (me, Ariana, Greg, Jessii, Henry, Alan, Phil, Ketrin, Pete, James, Joe, Patty and her friend from Austria), and we all had a really fun time. The food was excellent as always (actually it might have been even better this time). They just kept constantly bombarding us with food, it was great! My favorites were the chicken, pork and turkey wrapped in bacon.

And turkey wasn't the only meat wrapped in bacon this time! They had beef, and I think something else as well. And we all loved every bacon wrapped food so much, that for about a week (or longer for some), a bunch of us altered the names of our myspace accounts to "[Insert name here] wrapped in bacon" (so now you know the explanation to that in case u were wondering, lol).


The following week was my final week of classes, so I was working on a huge paper, a take home exam (which was harder than I expected considering it was take-home), and a few workshop outlines. But I finished everything, and just to update everyone, I found out this week, that I got an A in both my classes! So go me!


My aunt (Diana), her husband (Ivan) and her son, Mitchell arrived in NY that Saturday (Dec. 16th) and I picked them up from the airport. I spent a good amount of time with them the next few weeks. Mitchell is ten years old, and he loves to play video games, so we got along great as usual, lol. While they visited, we did bowling, went to the Palisades, and various other things, so that was cool.


On the day right before vacation started for us (Dec. 21st) I went to a Christmas office party at a co-worker's house in NJ. I wasn't thrilled to go at first, but once I got there I had a great time. Felix brought all of his kids, and they all love me, so it was fun to hang out with them. And Sigrid brought her baby daughter, so everyone enjoyed having her around as well.


The next night was Kristen & Gaetano's Holiday Cocktail party at Kristen's place. Tons of people showed up, so we all had a really fun time. Thanks once again to the both of them for being such great hosts!


That week I also decided to return the DVD Recorder I had bought on Black Friday, b/c it didn't have the functions that I wanted. But while I was at Circuit City I bought another DVD burner, but this time for the computer. Then I went to Bestbuy to buy a "PC to TV" adapter, so that way I could edit my own DVDs to the way I wanted.

[Sadly I just returned the "PC to TV" adapter yesterday, as it did not fully work on my laptop. So now I need to decide whether or not to keep the DVD Recorder... we'll see].


Christmas Eve was a good time. We hosted it at my house, and had my grandparents, and my aunt's family come over. We had a great dinner, watched some TV and played some games- including me showing them the Wii, which they all got a kick out of.

As for what I got for Christmas, it was a pretty laid back year this year, as I had bought a lot of stuff for myself during Black Friday. The highlight of my gifts was that Ariana got me both Guitar Hero 1 & 2, so that was awesome (and like I mentioned in my year-end post, I've been playing the games non-stop).

I got a Nintendo DS and a few games for Ariana. But we've both gotten a good amount of use out of it, mostly b/c one of the games I got her was Brain Age, so we're both having a lot of fun trying to outdo one another in that game.


On Wed Dec. 27th, some of the crew met up to go to Wacky Wednesday at New Roc. It was me, Ariana, Jordan, Maryann, and James. Then Kristen & Gaetano met up with us for the bowling portion of the night. Goombah stopped by briefly as well.

The night started off a bit slow though, as we made the mistake of trying to go for the Go-Karts first. That ended up a disaster and cost us about an hour of our time, which sucked. But things picked up after that, we had a fun game of bowling. I tried to incorporate what I learned through the bowling game in Wii Sports (b/c I had been kicking ass and had even bowled a 206 in that game just a few days earlier). But alas, the game doesn't translate over well in real life, and I was absolutely terrible for the first few frames. I did a bit better as the game went along, but I was so far behind that I had no shot of catching up.

After that, we hit up the arcade. We played a ton of games, and we ended the night off with a round of Lazer Tag (which went well for some of us, but not for all). Me and Jordan kicked ass in the game, but sadly Ariana's gun broke during the second game, so that sucked.

But in the end we all had a good time, and we know how to better "work the system" to get the best bang for our buck the next time we do it.


That Saturday night, Patty & Joe hosted a movie night at their place. A bunch of the crew showed up (Me, Ariana, Marisa, Henry, Ashley, Jordan, Maryann, Gaetano, & Kristen). We went "old school" with our first movie selection as we watched The Goonies (which, believe it or not some of our group had NEVER seen), and then we went to stupid comedy with Team America: World Police. So it was a pretty fun night.


The next day was New Year's Eve, as well as my mom's birthday. So we celebrated with my family throughout the day, including having dinner at my grandparent's house, and then for our New Years celebration we went to the huge party being hosted by Jordan & Maryann at Jordan's place. About 16 people went, and we had an awesome time. We played Karaoke Revolution and Singstar throughout the night (I did pretty well in all the games, and even joked around singing The Darkness- I Believe in a Thing Called Love). Jordan & Maryann also cooked dinner for everyone, and it was absolutely delicious. We then rang in the New Year and a few hours later, as the group began to wind down, I mentioned to Jordan that I had brought my Wii with me (since I had brought it to my grandparent's place to use earlier in the day, and I didn't want to leave it in the car b/c the weather was bad), so I hooked it up around 3am, and between Me, Joe J, Jordan and his brother- Daniel, we played til 7:30am!

I especially got Jordan and Daniel totally addicted to the system. We played all the games but our favorites were the baseball and the bowling (although me and Joe had some great matches in the tennis). The ladies chatted as we played but eventually they had to pull the plug on the gaming, as Jordan and Daniel probably could have gone on all day and not have let us leave, lol.

So me and Ariana did not wind up getting home til after 8am, and I didn't go to sleep until 8:30am. But it was well worth it, b/c we had a blast.


And that I believe catches me up for the most part (at least up til January). I'll post again later this week.


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