Thursday, February 15, 2007

Beginning to plan for the future

One thing I forgot to mention about the Superbowl party the other day. A conversation that came up (as it usually does when we’re amongst a group of friends), is when we are setting a wedding date. Well we have some ideas in mind, and now that Ariana is done with her comps exam, we will have time to look into stuff. So we got into a conversation with Jordan, and he offered to help us looking into condos in the lower Westchester/Mount Vernon/New Rochelle area.

And Jordan was on the button with everything. He actually called me the very next day, which was sooner than I expected (but awesome), with a lead on 3 places. And we set up an appointment to see the first place on Tuesday night.

So, on Tuesday night, I went with both my mom and Jordan to see the first place. It wasn’t much to talk about. It wasn’t bad, but there was just nothing really to it. It was very “plain jane” and would take a lot of work to make very nice. The only major pros to it were that it’s in a good area with access to lots of stuff (including the metro north in walking distance), and it wasn’t very expensive. I doubt we’ll go for it (depending on how the other places are), but it’s on the list.

After seeing the apartment, Jordan was telling my mom all about what he did with his place, so since we had to drop Jordan off at his place anyways, he invited us up to show my mom his apartment. She was totally impressed (as most of us were when we saw it as well), and he told us about the other two places to look at, one of which was a condo only two buildings over from his place.

Well today, I got yet another call from Jordan and we’re seeing the condo near his place on Friday evening. The price is good, the area is really nice, and the place is supposed to be in good condition, so just say a little prayer that the place is in as good a condition as we’ve heard, and if so, we very well might make an offer. So I’m pretty excited, wish us luck!


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