Thursday, February 15, 2007

The annual Superbowl party

Last night (well on Sun. Feb 4th) was Joe & Patty’s annual Superbowl party. Lots of people went (Me, Ariana, Jordan, Maryann, Kristen, Henry, Esther, Phil, Ketrin, Pete, Jeff, Susana, Kate and a few other people who I forget the names of off the top of my head).

As far as how Joe’s Superbowl parties go, it goes down one of two ways. The guests are fairly interested in the game and we basically focus on our attention on it and the commercials. OR the guests can give a crap about the game and we wind up doing other random stuff during the game itself (talking, playing poker, etc), and stop only to watch the commercials.

This year, with the mix of people and the game being a huge mess (8 turnovers/fumbles?? Insane), and the commercials not being up to par, it basically just became a hangout night, with a football game in the background. But that was totally fun. There were lots of funny moments and conversations- Henry basically being an a**hole and making Pete and Phil his b*itches, and of course our dream plans for this coming weekend at Jordan’s place which consist of the guys (while the ladies are doing their girls hangout) watching all three Lord of the Rings movies on a giant screen TV, pizza, alcohol, and video games, capped off by having the returning ladies have a battle royal in jello (or chocolate syrup).

I don’t recall exactly how that last part evolved into what it did. I remember Ketrin was beating up on Peter and it got into a discussion of the ladies wrestling, and then Jordan thought about hosting a ladies battle royal at his apartment. Shockingly, none of the ladies smacked us as he suggested this... they actually seemed to give it a second of thought. So Jordan and I just kept rambling off things like how we could lay down some tarp in his apartment and have the ladies brawl in a kiddie pool filled with jello, and all the while, we are all laughing but no one is objecting to any of our “plans.” So forget it, by the end of the night we’re telling Joe he needs to rig up a webcam for us (cuz we could freakin charge for this), and we’re making plans to go to Target other places to get the needed supplies, lol.

Forget it, by the end of the night, me and Jordan had grins plastered on our faces as the ecstacy of the event played out in our minds. As Jordan said flat out to all the ladies: “Lord of the Rings, pizza, beer, video games, and our women wrestling in jello... if this were to all go down I could die the next day and be the happiest person on earth.”

Amen brother... Amen.


Blogger Unknown said...

That was a fun night. Friend group wise, things have been great. We're all moving in different directions with our lives, but we all have become alot closer. I also give props to Ariana for giving me my first hard shot last year. She made me a man!

11:49 AM  

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