Thursday, February 15, 2007

This past weekend (Feb 9th-11th)

Friday was a pretty crazy day. I had lots to do, and lots of things came up (both good and bad). Work was fairly laid back (which was cool). So I took a long lunch and met up with Sheila in McGinley center to chat. Then when I got back to the office I watched the latest episode of Heroes on the nbc website.

I hung around the office even after we were let go for the day b/c I had to wait to pick up Ariana when she got home b/c we were planning to go see the Co-Op apartment in the building right behind Jordan’s place.

I had been talking to Jordan throughout the day, setting up what we would need to do once we got there. Well as I was leaving the office to pick up Ariana, I got a random call from Jordan (I say random b/c I had just spoken with him about 15 minutes beforehand, and there was nothing we really needed to say til we saw each other in a few minutes). And he sounded shaken. He told me he had an emergency and probably wouldn’t be able to go with me to see the apartment, (I’m sure by now you all know why. If not, maybe you should ask him. I won’t go into details about it here). So I had to scramble and call my mom so she could come with us to give us any advice we’d need.

So I picked up Ariana, and my Mom and Pat followed us up to Mt. Vernon. We met up with the realtor (who is a friend of Jordan’s family), and Maryann met up with us too, to keep her mind off the crazyiness that was happening with Jordan. We all checked out the place, and it was pretty sweet. It needs some work (we’ll basically have to do the floors, as well as gut the bathroom, and everything in the kitchen except the fridge and stove), but other than that it’s not too bad. The living room in the place is huge, and it’s actually a 2 bedroom place, so we could potentially be in that place even a few years after our first child. So it’s definitely exciting.

After looking at the apartment, me and Ariana went back up with Maryann to Jordan’s apartment, and the rest of the crew came over as well for the planned Wii/video game party. Phil, Ketrin, Joe J., Pete, Joe V, Henry and Goombah all came over at one point or another. And even though the intention was mostly to play the Wii, we spent a good chunk of time playing Guitar Hero 1 & 2 (which was sweet).

I finally got to challenge Henry in a full on “Rock-off,” which was cool b/c the only person I’d ever played the game against was Phil and I whupped him pretty good. Henry came ready to battle, even decked out in full rock-gear (including eyeliner and the words “rock” and “hero” written on his knuckles. But I turned him into a rock “fool” by kicking his butt in every song I played him in. Go me! Lol. Now I just gotta challenge Greg...

Jordan finally arrived around 9pm, and he filled everyone in on what happened to him. He was glad we were all there to keep his mind off things, and I think we all did as good a job as possible and we all had a good time.

We also had our “line of the night” around that time, when Phil was passing his Wii-mote to Pete so he could play and said “Pete, I only like you with your strap on.” (Read into that what you will, lolol).

In the end we stayed until about 2am playing random games (I believe the last game we tried was a surgical game on the Wii, which was amusing. Jordan controlled the character as his “surgical team” of Phil, Ketrin and Joe yelled instructions to him. It was a funny sight.).

Woke up early the next morning, picked up Phil and we went to Jordan’s. The girls had their early day out (brunch and shopping) while guys had their day to hang. We initially had the plan to have a marathon and watch all three Lord of the Rings movies, but since there was only 4 of us (me, Jordan, Henry & Phil), we decided to change plans up a bit. So we watched LOTR: The Two Towers, and then Equilibrium. And halfway through the day we ordered ourselves some “man pizzas.” We ordered 2 pies- one was bacon pizza, while the other was half BBQ-rib and half Philly Cheesesteak. That were freaking amazing pizzas!

-Another thing I did about halfway through the day, was I called Esther (the realtor from last night) and made an offer on the apartment.

Later on, the girls came back and some of them hung out in the apartment as well (it was Maryann joined by Ariana & Ketrin).

Jordan’s brother Daniel also came over later in the night, and after Phil, Ketrin & Henry left, we were still hanging out, and we decided to order the movie- Idiocracy on On-Demand PPV. For those of you who have never heard of the movie before (I had never heard of it myself before this point), it’s the latest Mike Judge film. We were all fans of Office Space, so we figured we’d give it a shot.

The movie itself, is REALLY dumb, but also hysterical. The premise to the movie (and the narration throughout) alone make the movie. But there are some really funny scenes throughout. Just to give you a very brief idea of what the movie is about- it basically shows what life in the world is like 500 years in the future, after all the stupid people in the world basically pro-create at such a higher rate than the average intelligent person, that in the end stupid people populate the entire earth (there is about no one with an IQ over 80 alive). But two people (a man and woman) who were COMPLETELY average were frozen and are now released in this time. But average in our time, is genius in this time, so it leads to some funny situations.

Now, I dunno if the movie was really as funny as we found it (we were pretty tired and out of it by the time we watched it), but there were lots of little “easter eggs” throughout the movie we found really amusing. So if you like stupid movies, I’d recommend this one, I think it’s good for a laugh.

And the next day, we slept in a bit, and in the afternoon (around 1pm), we met up with Jordan & Maryann once again, and we went to the open-house of the apartment I had put I bid on, so Jordan could finally get a look at the place. He thought the place had a ton of potential and wasn’t in bad shape at all. And he immediately came up with a bunch of ideas for what we could do with the place.

And in even better news, when we got to the place, Esther told us that our offer had been accepted! So we basically made our first step into purchasing our own place! So we’re pretty excited.

Don’t go congratulating us yet though, there is a long and annoying process we need to go through before we officially own the place, but at least we are on the right track. So just keep us in your thoughts and prayers that everything goes well and we can get the place.

After we left the open-house, we went back up to Jordan’s place and kept discussing stuff about the apartment and what we could do with it, once we (hopefully) own it. We then ordered some Chinese from the place nearby (to see what we might be eating on a semi-regular basis, heh), and watched Clerks 2 on DVD.

Finally, later that night me and Ariana went to Phil’s place to watch the TNA: Turning Point PPV.

So all in all it was a pretty fun and exciting weekend!


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