Wednesday, March 21, 2007

End of February Wrap-up

On Sat. Feb 24th I had to get up early to go to a Violence Prevention Workshop at Lehman. It’s part of the requirements to graduate and get my certification to be a school counselor. After the workshop was over (and btw, it was a total waste of time), me and Ariana went down to the city to go see Children of Men at the AMC on 42nd street.

I had been wanting to see the movie for awhile, and it was no longer showing in the theaters in the Bronx or New Rochelle, so we took advantage of our free day to go see it. The movie was just as good as I had been hearing it was. The only downside was some dude in the front fell asleep about a half hour into the movie and was snoring like a freakin buzzsaw through most of the movie. It got so bad that at one point I had to yell out “could the person sitting next to the snorer, please tap him and wake him up!?!” A few people laughed, but I also got a few claps, b/c I obviously wasn’t the only one being really bothered by it.

But as I said, the movie itself was awesome. I can’t really talk much about it without ruining it, so all I can really say is go see it!

Following the movie, me & Ariana went for dinner at the Dallas BBQ right off St. Mark’s Place, and after that we went to Phil’s birthday party a few blocks away at Horus.

The place for Phil’s b-day had hookahs which many people took part of (but not me, cuz even though the smells were actually not bad, I’m not any kind of a smoker). There was also bellydancing at one point, which was amusing, b/c we got the girls to force Phil to dance with the bellydancer. And we got pics of it, so that was the icing on the cake.

We also took a bunch of amusing pics (people trying to blow smoke rings, as well as my personal favorites of the guys doing DX poses).

Then after the party, a bunch of us went to Jordan’s place and we wound up ordering Employee of the Month from OnDemand PPV.


The week itself was busy, but fairly uneventful (and which I’m sure you would all find boring).


The next weekend (Sat in specific), a group of us (Me, Ariana, Jordan, Maryann, Pete, Phil, Ketrin, Gaetano & Kristen) went to the Museum of Natural History to just look around and hangout. It was a good time, and it was nice to actually take our time to walk through the whole museum and read things, since the last time we went we were preoccupied with running around doing the scavenger hunt.

After the museum, we all headed down to Mars 2112 for dinner. And we were joined by Jeff & Susana. I had never been to the restaurant before, but it was cool. The atmosphere was amusing, but not as awesome as I was expecting. However, the food was actually a lot better than expected.

Once dinner was over, some people went home, while the rest of us wandered around looking for something to do, since none of us really wanted to head home yet. In the end, we didn’t really find anything interesting we could all agree on that wasn’t expensive, so we wound up going to Jordan’s place again, and we watched Little Miss Sunshine. So it turned out cool, b/c I hadn’t seen that movie before, and had been wanting to.

Of note, before we went to Jordan’s, Ketrin dropped me and Ariana at Ariana’s place real quick so she could change, and I could grab my car, and when we stopped at the apartment Ariana got the letter in the mail stating that she passed her comps, and will thus graduate from her master’s program this May! So it was very good news and we all had shots at Jordan's to celebrate her accomplishment.


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