Friday, February 23, 2007

Minor Disappointments

Last week I went with Joey D to see Silverchair in concert at Webster Hall. The show was only $20, so we were pretty psyched, b/c we both still listen to their stuff every once in awhile (I think their first album- Frogstomp, is awesome).

So we get to the show, and meet up with one of Joey's buddies and we're set to rock out. But the performance wasn't exactly what we were expecting. They played a lot of their lesser known stuff, and a few newer songs. And while the songs weren't bad, we were disappointed b/c we just didn't know the stuff. They are great performers and musicians though, so we were having a decent time, but we were just waiting for their older, harder stuff from the first album.

Sadly, that never came.

They didn't play even ONE song off of Frogstomp, which really irritated us (as well as many people in the audience). I hate when bands do stuff like that. They HAD to know that most of the audience were fans of the earlier stuff and that's what they were expecting to hear, so it takes a lot of nerve to go out there and just play whatever they heck they wanted without taking the fans into account. The fans are the ones that support the band and make them who they are. You HAVE to please your fans. So they totally killed the buzz of the crowd. Most of the people at that show will never go to a Silverchair show again (I know I won't), and many didn't buy the merchandise that night, b/c they went home unhappy. Dumb move on the band's part.


The second disappointment wasn't so unexpected though. I went with David on Saturday night to go see Ghost Rider. Ariana was busy with work stuff, David wanted to see the movie and I was bored, so I figured "ehh, why not?"

Visually, the movie is cool. Ghost Rider is just a very cool looking character, so to see him in "live-action" was pretty sweet. But the plot of the movie? Bleh. The acting? Even worse. Like I said, the only redeeming parts were the effects on Ghost Rider. Oh and Eva Mendes in her very form fitting dresses. But those things can't save a movie.

My "favorite" part: at the end of the movie (don't worry I'm not really spoiling anything you'd care about) when the previous Ghost Rider says to the current one "I'm coming with you. [to go after the bad guy] I got one last ride in me." Which leads to this cool scene of the two Ghost Riders (the current one on his motorcycle and the older one on his horse- both in cool looking flames) riding off to where the villain of the movie is hiding out. But then they arrive at the place and the old Ghost Rider turns to the current one (Blaze) and says "this is as far as I can go. You're on your own here." and gives Blaze the hellfire shotgun and leaves.

What the heck!?!? What was the point in him coming along for the ride?? Purely for the visual obviously, but in the context of the movie itself- for NO REASON WHATSOEVER!! That just had me laughing.

So overall, a disappointment. Here's hoping the next few Marvel movies are better (I'm sure Spider-Man 3 will be cool, but I'm crossing my fingers on Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer).


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