Tuesday, April 17, 2007

More aggravation to deal with...

What a freakin day...

I had such a great weekend. I had a blast at both me & Goombah’s parties, and even the small party we had for Ariana’s godmother was nice. I was finally really able to get my mind off all the craziness of the past 2 weeks, but bam, as soon as Monday hits I’m thrown right back into the thick of things.

I’ve been going back and forth with the hospitals and their stupid bureaucratic BS b/c apparently the people at Montefiore don't know their heads from their asses.

My dad is still in Hartford Hospital and they are ready to move him, but the people at Montefiore are being stupid. The case coordinator (her name is Karen) at Hartford keeps calling Montefiore to speak with a doctor to get everything lined up, but she keep getting the runaround. She leaves messages but they never call back. And she keeps getting referred to different doctors, so it’s really hard to get things narrowed down b/c each one is telling her different stuff.

At first the people at Montefiore said everything was fine and they were just waiting for a bed to open in the ICU. That's why I hadn't stressed anything and have just been waiting. But now they're all like "Well we don't know if he should be moved in his condition" and it's like "Umm, retards, Hartford wouldn't allow him to be transferred if they thought he couldn't make the trip"

Then another thing was the attending that was recommended/contacted by my dad's primary care doc, turns out doesn't have the authority to accept an ICU patient so then they are/were having problems finding an attending to accept my dad's care.

And now I just got a call from Hartford a little after 4pm saying from Karen telling me that she was told that Montefiore isn't going to accept him. So I called the lady at Montefiore to find out what the heck is going on and she's like "I didn't hear that, who told you this?" So she asked me to get the name of the doctor who said this from Karen. I tried calling Hartford back, but it went to her voicemail.

So tomorrow I'm gonna have to get on the phone all day calling both hospitals (especially Montefiore) and either convince or plead with them to take my dad, or try to get him into another NY hospital (which I’m fine with, I wanted him in Albert Einstein anyways) but that entails working on my dad’s PCP, who seems to be a bit of a pain in the ass... so we’ll see.

And then adding to all the pressure is the fact that Hartford Hospital isn't a long-term ICU facility. The social worker from Hartford called me yesterday to speak with me about my dad’s options. Basically, my dad is stable, so I'm gonna be forced to make a decision about him soon. We either have to put a trache tube and a PEG (feeding tube) in him and move him to a home, or decide to take him off the respirator and let nature take it's course.

So we're also on a bit of a time table. And while we haven’t been given any kind of hard deadline or anything, things do need to happen “soon.” Luckily the hospital hasn’t been on our backs to make any decisions b/c they know we are working on having him transferred so they are being cool and letting things get handled.

However, the attendings at Hartford have changed this week and the new people are kind of like "What's going on? Why isn't anything being done with this guy?"

So it’s just a lot to deal with. And I’ve got two huge term papers I need to work on, not to mention trying to find a DJ and photographer for the wedding by the end of the month, amongst other things. It’s really stressful, and right now I can barely concentrate on anything...

... but I do have schoolwork, so I’m gonna TRY to be productive. In the meantime, please keep my dad and this situation in your prayers. Thanks...


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