Wednesday, April 18, 2007

And the frustrations continue to mount

I'm just so freakin stressed right now. Things are going nuts with my dad's transfer, and I'm trying to do stuff but half the people are telling me I can't do anything b/c it has to be done through the doctors not through me. But my dad's PCP is apparently out for the WEEK with an emergency, and they are trying to tell me that nothing can be done til he gets back. I'm trying to go around this, and get someone to take over emergency care for dad, but it's a lot of bureaucracy. They said the guy who might be able to help me (some administrator) is in a meeting right now, so they'll have him call me when the meeting is over, but in the meantime I'm just sitting here freaking out, b/c I know that if things don't happen soon, I'm gonna be forced to make decisions about my dad's care while he's up there and that's something I do not want to do (and shouldn't have to).

The one possible light at the end of the tunnel, is that one of my dad's friends/co-workers said that he knows someone who might be able to hook us up with a board member at Montefiore that knows dad and may be able to get things done. I don't know how long that will take though, but i'm hoping they call me back today.

It sucks, b/c if I knew all these issues were going on, I would have acted sooner, but they made it sound like everything was going smoothly and we were just waiting for a bed. Now I have to deal with all this craziness, and part of me just wants to call every single person I know to help, but on the other hand, I know there is a sort of process to take here. But with the time crunch, it's like "How much time do I wait for things to get done, before I try something else?" Especially considering, it's been 2 weeks, and I lost so much time.

I really just don't even know where to begin or what I even CAN do, since as I've said it's mostly bureaucracy, so there are certain things I can't do (I've already been shut down with a few places I've called all like "you can't do anything, this needs to be doctor to doctor"). The lady in patient relations at Montefiore told me that one thing I MIGHT be able to do is speak with my family and that if any of us have a doctor we trust and are close with, to ask if maybe they can take over care for my dad and be the one to help place him in a hospital. I personally don't know if that will work, especially b/c of issues with his insurance (he has HIP Prime, which generally makes everything go through the PCP first) but we're hoping that in this emergency case things can be done differently. It's a long shot, but at this point I'm desperate. I just hate having to get on the phone and explaining the situation over and over and over again, only to be told "sorry we can't help you."

It's just beyond frustrating...

So yeah I just needed to vent. And also, if anyone reading this has any suggestions you might be able to think of, let me know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should ask Pete to help, his Dad is a doctor and has some clout in the Bronx.

1:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You might get more done if you went to Montifiore in person and tried talking face to face with some of these people. Its hard to blow you off if you're right in front of them.

11:13 AM  

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