Monday, May 14, 2007

Rollercoaster of Emotion on the weekend

I took Grandma and Lelo to go see dad in the hospital today. It was pretty intense. Grandma immediately prayed for dad. She laid her hands on him, and prayed, cried, and spoke in tongues.

After she was done praying, both her and Lelo were like “Oh my God, John! Look at his face!” And I noticed a tear coming out of his eye. He must have understood all that my grandma said as she prayed for him and it touched him enough to make him cry. Seeing that was both encouraging yet heart-wrenching at the same time.

Shortly after, he started to try to move his hand as well. He had been slightly squeezing my hand with his thumb, but he tried with some of his fingers too. And at one point when we stepped away from him to look at and read some of the cards and notes people left for him on the wall, we noticed him trying to LIFT his hand. He didn’t get far, but we saw him attempting, which was absolutely the most movement I’ve ever seen him attempt.

So we spoke to his nurse and he said that yes, dad has been moving a little bit. However, while it’s not exactly a “reflex” it may not necessarily mean he’s trying to do anything, b/c he does not respond to commands. If you tell him to blink or to squeeze your hand, he won’t. He just does it randomly.

So it feels like being on an emotional rollercoaster. Seeing something that makes me hopeful, only to hear that it’s most likely nothing. It’s pretty painful to go through.

But as we left the hospital, I filled in my grandparents on all the doctors said to me, and while they said they’d continue to pray for my dad, that they agree with my decision about Palliative care. So at least I know I have full support from ALL of the family, as well as the majority of his friends, which helps me a lot.

But obviously it’s still a crappy situation to have to go through. This weekend has truly been a rollercoaster. I was able to get to such a high note on Saturday, with the good news about the wedding photographer and DJ, and then the fun night at Patty’s birthday party, just to get brought right back down to earth with the emotional heaviness of dad’s situation. But that is life...


After going to the hospital I went to Ariana’s place to spend some time with her and at about five minutes to 8pm, we decided to order the TNA PPV. It wound up being freakin awesome. The frst match was Chris Sabin vs Sonjay Dutt vs “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal and it was definitely a match of the year candidate. Every match was at LEAST decent, while many of them were very solid or better. The Texas Death Match between James Storm and Chris Harris was also pretty insane (lots of brutality and LOTS of blood). I’m very glad we decided to order the show b/c it helped me get my mind off of things.


Line of the night from the PPV was when one of the announcers was talking about the condition of a wrestler who was jumped backstage and “sent to the hospital.” He described the wrestler’s condition as having received a “super severe concussion.” That cracked me up to no end.


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