Saturday, May 26, 2007

God is GOOD!!!

Today, we got some of the best news in awhile- my dad has gotten MUCH more responsive.

Today he actually SPOKE!

It was amazing! He had been trying to for awhile but he was finally able to manage it today. I was asking him questions and I saw his mouth moving and I heard some gargled words coming out. So I kept asking him to repeat himself and he kept trying but I couldn't understand him at first. But then the lightbulb went off in my head and I realzed I would need to cover the trache tube hole in order to hear/understand him better. And once I did that, Ariana and I were able to understand him! It was still hard, b/c it was coming out very low, but it was fairly clear!

We asked him questions and he answered and he asked questions himself. At first he just repeated "therapy, therapy, therapy." Then asked if "both speech therapy and physical were together." We told him about getting guardianship, but now that he was responsive we could do the Power of Attorney instead. So I began to read the document to him, and he asked a few questions. At one point we told him that we would need access to his bank account so we could pay his bills, but that we would need to get direct deposit for his paychecks since he is old school and would always like to get the check in his hand. So he responded "direct deposit.. much easier."

Then a little while later, his friend/co-worker Pat Smith came by, and when he saw her he said "Patti!" So he definitely recognizes and understands everything that is going on! It is truly a miracle from God!

Granted, it's a huge strain for him to talk, and he can't answer everything verbally- he IS trying, and if he can't answer by speaking, he will shake his head or nod to most questions. So it is great!

I've had the biggest grin on my face since this afternoon and I couldn't wait to share the good news with everyone. So please, continue to pray for Eddie's recovery, b/c obviously all of our prayers are working! And also, praise God for what he has done so far b/c he is GOOD!!


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