Friday, May 18, 2007

Some good news about my dad!

It's been a long day, but I just wanted to let everyone know that my dad was taken off the ventillator at 10:20am this morning, but he is doing fine!

He's currently breathing on his own, and doing well. His oxygen reading is at 100 (which is as good as you can get). It started out at 97 and went up to 100 a few minutes later and hasn't gone down since.

He was also pretty responsive afterwards as well. There were about 12 people with him for the procedure, and we prayed for him beforehand letting him know that the decision of whether to live or not would be between him and God, but that there were many people here that needed him. So it looks like dad is fighting and fighting hard.

My dad's current doctor has been my favorite so far, as she is the most optimistic of all the doctors my father has had. She told us that his situation is completely different than it was even less than a week ago. He went from being very depressed with no drive to get better, to really trying his best to be responsive. He also just looks more healthy. He's lost weight but despite that, he looks healthier in the face than he did just days ago.

The doctor says it is all because of the support he has received from all his family, loved ones and friends. Our encouragement is basically breathing new life into him.

God is beginning to work a miracle in my dad's life, and it is partly thanks to everyone who has prayed for him and visited him, and for that I give my thanks to you all.

The doctor now says, that from here on in, it's all up to my dad. His recovery will depend on his will to live and his determination. If he continues to try to respond and make more increases, then she will recomend him to a facility that will begin aggressive rehabilition. It will be a long, hard road, but dad can do it, he just needs our continued support. His doctor believes that if he continues at this pace, it's possible that maybe one day he could walk again. Granted, it's a long shot, and this would be a long time down the line, but if Eddie is motivated it's possible.

So I sent out an e-mail to my dad's friends that our job is to keep Eddie motivated. He needs our continued visits, prayers and support b/c that along with God moving within him is what is giving him the willpower to fight. It's all on Eddie now. He's breathing on his own, he just has to fight to regain his function, but he will get frustrated (as would anyone) so our continued vigilance over him is extremely important.

My dad is still in the clear yet. He's got a long way to go. If he makes no more progress, he will only be put in a nursing facility/hospice center. And we don't want that for him. We want him in that aggressive treatment center that will work hard in trying to get Eddie back into the man he used to be. So that is what to pray for now- that dad will continue to improve and respond more over the next few days.

So please continue to pray for dad, but in the meantime, know that your prayers are beginning to work! Thank you once again so very much!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not only happy to see your dad getting better, but to see you in better spirits. I look foward to some elbow smashing, chair thrashing tomorrow.

5:59 PM  
Blogger An Omega Male said...

Well, that's awesome JE. I'm very happy for your Dad, your family, and yourself. I, along with everyone else, I'm sure, will continue to pray for his ongoing recovery.

4:12 PM  

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