Tuesday, May 22, 2007

More stress to deal with...

Today has been a very stressful day...

I had gotten a call from a social worker from Montefiore today at around 2pm today. I was busy at work, so I couldn’t take the call, but I was going to the hospital right after work (around 3pm), so I figured I’d find out what the call was all about when I got there.

I got to the hospital at about 3pm, and spent some time with my dad, and around 4:20pm I met with the hospice social worker for Montefiore. He mentioned to me that they were looking to move my dad as soon as possible (b/c he is doing better, so there is basically no reason to have him in the comfort care area anymore). He mentioned that the insurance was looking to move him even as soon as today (Monday), but he said that was too soon, and convinced them to move it another day.

So the guy gave me the names of two rehab/nursing facilities that have hospice care as well as ventillators that are in the network with Montefiore. The problem is one of the places had no room, so basically I only was given one choice- a place called Daughters of Jacob on 167th st and Teller Ave (which isn’t very close to me, but it’s in a central location that’s accessible by the D and 4 trains, as well as a few buses).

Then I asked for places that don’t have vents (since we don’t want him back on a vent anyway) and they gave me names of three more places: Beth Abraham Hospital (which is good, b/c that’s really close to me, but bad, b/c not really close for other people), Jewish Home & Hospital (which is about 2 train stops before Montefiore on Kingsbridge & Jerome), and Morningside House on Pelham Parkway.

The thing is, they are pressuring to have my dad moved ASAP. They want to move him tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon, but I haven’t even seen the places yet! I need to make sure the place is good before I just sign off on sending him anywhere.

So this puts me on a very limited time schedule. I tried to go to the Daughters of Jacob tonight, but it was late, and they didn’t have anyone to really give me a full tour of the place. So I’m going to have to go back in the morning, so I can get a full view as well as ask questions. I also have to see the other 3 places first thing in the morning. But I figure I’ll need to be at each place for at least 45 minutes to one hour, in order to see everything and ask questions, so they aren’t giving me much time, since they make it sound like they want to move him in the early afternoon (like 1-2pm).

I’m going to try to call patient relations at Montefiore as well as the insurance company to give me at least ONE full extra day in order for me to do research without being so rushed (which even one day isn’t a lot of time, but it’s a lot better than a half day).

Then the other issue is with dad’s doctors. One of them is pretty optimistic, but the others are kind of on the fence about dad’s condition and his chances for improvement. They had a rehab specialist come in and say that dad wasn’t a good candidate for aggressive (or acute) therapy. Which fine, he might not be good for the 4-6 hour therapy, since he’s just coming around, but he deserves more than sub-acute therapy, which I’ve been told is no more than two 15 minute shifts of massaging each day.

So I’m going to need to speak with the doctor again to make convince or make sure that they put in orders for my dad to receive rehabilitation in the discharge planning. Because if that is not put in there, then even if he’s put in a nursing facility that has rehab, he won’t get it b/c it wasn’t ordered.

Those are three pretty big things I have to do very early in the morning tomorrow, and the annoying thing is, they all need to be done at pretty much the same time (which is nearly impossible). And I know plenty of people have offered to help me with stuff for my dad, but sadly, this is stuff technically only my sister and I can do, since we are next of kin (and since my sister is not in NY, it basically falls all on me). However, if anyone can suggest anything that can help me out, it would be greatly appreciated (especially if anyone knows anything about the four facilities I mentioned above).

So yeah, I just wanted to update everyone on the situation, b/c it’s very possible that dad will no longer be in Montefiore by the end of the day (or by end of Wednesday at the latest). I will let everyone know as soon as possible once dad is moved. So please keep my father as well as me in your prayers, b/c we will need it. Thanks again and God Bless!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Docs can be stubborn and numb to things. Make sure you get what you need. Be a pain in the butt if you have to. Its good that you have one on your side at least. This is something that you have to do, with the place is to check them out personally so you know in your heart that the place is right. Its hard I know but at least you have the house worries gone pretty much.

1:22 PM  

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