Monday, May 28, 2007

Catching up on some stuff

Things have been really busy lately (as you've read from my previous posts). So I haven't been able to update on all the stuff that's happened lately.

Some big things that have happened in the last week (outside of stuff with my dad).

First off, me & Ariana attended the "Opening Night gala" of Pete's boat- Serenissima last Tuesday. Pete hosts parties on his boat at least once a week in the summertime every year, but we usually are never able to go (for various reasons). But we wanted to be sure to make it this time, and I'm glad we did. Pete ordered food from Lido Restaurant (and got quite a nice spread) and we all had plenty to eat (and it was excellent).


Another major event that occured last week was that last Saturday was Ariana's graduation from Graduate School from Fordham University.

We were praying for good weather b/c everytime either of us has graduated, it's been really bad weather (mostly pouring rain). Thankfully, Ariana finally broke the streak (for the most part)! It drizzled a little bit during the commencement, but it wasn't bad. So they were able to have that part of the ceremony outdoors. Willie Randolph was the commencement speaker and he was pretty entertaining (even despite the jokes on the Yankees he made).

They decided to move the diploma ceremony portion indoors to Fordham Prep, which worked out better, b/c it was getting kind of cool out, so we were happy about that. I got some great pics, and I'm sure Ariana will post some of them on her myspace soon.


Later that evening, we went with my family, as well as James to see Shrek the Third at New Roc City. It was a fun movie, not as good as the original two, but amusing. It was also more adult than the previous movies, as there were times when some jokes had me and James cracking up in the back of the theater while all the kids in the audience (which was about 80% of the crowd) sat in silence.


The next day I took my family for a semi-belated Mother's Day dinner. I say "semi-belated" b/c obviously I offered to take everyone out for dinner ON Mother's day, but they wanted to wait a week, b/c they knew most restaurants would be extremely crowded.

So I treated my mom, her husband, my grandparents, Ariana and her godmother- Rosie to dinner at Lido Restaurant in City Island. The food was great as always (cuz as I mentioned we had some at Pete's boat just earlier in the week).


We went to the Yankees-Red Sox game on Tuesday night. Figures the game we went to is the one the Yanks lost (they won the other 2 in the series). Oh well...


And just today, we had Marisa & Ariana's graduation party. Originally we were going to have a BBQ at Marisa's backyard, but the weather forecast made it seem like we would be facing thunderstorms. So on Friday, Marisa's mom decided that she wouldn't want us scrambling to cancel the BBQ the day of, if it poured, so to avoid that, she made the very generous offer to book the side room at the East Tremont Chinese Buffet for us. Marisa's parents also offered to pay for the first 20 of us who arrived. Which was very nice.

In the end, the weather turned out to be perfect, which we were a little upset about (cuz it just figures, lol), but as I stated, things were better the way they worked out b/c it gave us all peace of mind for the day.

We all wound up having a great time at the Buffet. They really had some great food today, that I don't recall seeing them have before (like Roast beef, lamb, crab legs, etc). Plus, we just had a great crowd as always.

After the food, Joe & Patty were kind enough to offer to host us at their place for some drinking and games. Joe had reloaded on his cows, and added a few other squishy toys to his arsenal, so when we got to their place we had Cow-War II. It wasn't as insane as the original (I guess b/c there was more people so harder to get around, plus it wasn't as spontaneous as the first time), but it was still a blast. And it once again went on for about a half hour, lol.

Once we got the cow-tossing out of our systems, we settled down a bit. Ariana & I sat down with Patty and we went over the designs for the Save the Date cards for the wedding we need to send out soon. Then after that, we played a few rounds of Scattergories.

So it has been a really fun day. Right now I'm just chillin, watching Raw in the background as I type. This coming weekend is Jubilee at Fordham so I'm looking really forward to that, so keep checking in for posts (and pics I'm sure) about that event.


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