Monday, August 27, 2007

Fishing and other stuff

I am soooo behind on blog posts b/c I've just had an insanely busy month. So this is my attempt to catch up on things I've missed posting about.

-Fri. July 27th
Went to see The Simpsons Movie at night at New Roc with Ariana, Joe V, Jordan, Maryann, Joe, Patty, Joe, Kristen and Mariana. After the movie we tried to go to the Bayou for dinner, but the place was going to have a live band and were trying to charge an admission fee. So we went down the block to Athena Restaurant instead.

-Sat. July 28th
Got up early and met up with Jordan & Maryann, and we drove out to Long Island to go fishing for Kristen's b-day at Captree State Park.

It was a pretty big group of us (forgive me if I leave any names out): me, Ariana, Jordan, Maryann, James, Rob, Goombah, Phil, Ketrin, Pete, Jeff, Susana, Gaetano, Kristen and a bunch of her family.

A few of our crew was pretty sick for the boat ride, but they managed to tough it out for the most part.

I wasn't too lucky in catching anything. I caught a skate, but you obviously can't keep those. I got close to catching another fish, but he escaped before I could fully reel him in, and then I finally fully caught a fish but it was too small to keep so we had to throw it back. Ariana caught a fish, that was JUST under the length to keep, so they cut it up for bait and sashimi. So that was cool.

There was a "boat pool" where everyone on the boat put in $2 and whoever caught the biggest fish would get the pot. Jordan wound up winning, which was cool, b/c he got like $78 (which he found lucky b/c that's the year he was born). No one in our boat won the "dock pool" though.

After the fishing, we went back to Kristen's parents place in LI, to lounge around and have dinner. A few more people joined us there (Joe, Patty and Esther) and a good time was had by all (cuz the food was great).

Sun. July 29th:
Did some work on our wedding registry, that was the main highlight of the day.

Mon. July 30th:
I can't remember what I did this day for the life of me, so obviously it couldn't have been that important, lol.

Tues. July 31st:
Had a pretty damn funny e-mail chain going at work today. James started it with a random topic about Meatloaf (the singer), and it spiraled quickly out of control. At one point, I stepped away from the chain, b/c it was becoming too easy to make fun of Phil, and I have no feud with him (can't have too many stories going on at the same time). The climax came when Esther sent everyone a link to a site advertising a new vibrator. However, at no point did she use the word "vibrator." She just said "toy." This "toy" costs $300, so we were joking with Phil that he should buy it for Ketrin, and then Ketrin (without clicking the link and thus not knowing exactly what she was talking about) commented with this gem :

"Wait a minute

Philip, if you are thinking of buying me a toy that costs 300 bucks it better have an expandable memory stick, IR and Blue Tooth Enabled, USB port for easy connection to my computer, software that allows for easy programing/modifications of my choice, MP3 player so i can listen to music as well a silent mode and a vibe and ring mode. Don't get this last one confused with Vibe Then Ring mode, it is Vibe AND Ring at the same time mode... get it!!!!! oh I would also like for it to come with several different alarm sounds and for it to be small and compact so I can easily carry it with me everywhere so it must fit in my little Coach wrist let where i keep the digital camera and my lip gloss.

ahhh that would be soo dreamy is such device existed lol

thank you Ester!!!

I haven't checked the link out yet, I will when i go home but this is my kind of Toy!!!!!"

(and even though I had stepped away from the chain for a little bit, this comment along with people requesting for my feedback, brought me back out, b/c I just couldn't stay away). So I responded with this:

::the lights in the arena go dark::

::The light burns bright again, as I stand once more in the ring::

Ok, I was gone for all of 40 minutes, but with a few people calling me back and then THIS lovely comment i just HAD to return.

Ketrin... I guarantee you'll wish you clicked the link before you went on that little tirade. But since you threw it all out there:

-Once again, if Phil had an "extendable memory stick", this conversation would be moo (y'know, like a cow's opinion)

"software that allows for easy programming/modifications of my choice" Wow she doesn't even trust Phil to handle it. Talk about eliminating any unnecessary extras.

"Vibe AND ring at the same time"- Would this have the Pavlovian dog effect on Phil? Everytime he hears it ring, Phil will cry knowing she is being pleasured in a way he can never provide?

"small and compact so I can easily carry it with me everywhere..."- I can't even top this... no matter how much I'd try, LOLOL.

Thank you Ketrin, this made my freakin day.



I know that was a bit mean, but oh man, I couldn't resist, lol.

Mon. August 1st:
Went with Ariana to the Yankees vs White Sox game.
I met up with my classmate Serena before the game to chill for a few, but then we went off to our own seats. It wound up being just me & Ariana that night. Yanks won 8-1!

Tues. Aug. 2nd:
Met with the contractor that Jordan put me in contact with. His name is Arles and he came by the apartment to see the work that needed to be done so he could give me an estimate.

Later that afternoon, I was at work and listened to the Yankees-White Sox game, and what a game it was! The Yanks went down 8-0 in the top of the second inning, but then came right back to score 8 runs of their own and tie the game 8-8 in the bottom of the inning. It was insane. Sadly, the Yanks wound up losing the game though...

We also had another funny e-mail chain. It broke down to us shooting promos on each other like it usually does, and I was able to come up with a few good ones today, by taking the heat off Pete for once and calling out Henry and James as the "true ambiguously gay duo" and having the pics to prove it (which I have posted below).

I then added this next one just for effect (and I've just been dying to have an excuse to use it for about a month, lol).

And some of the responses we got to these pics were pretty funny as well, including Phil laying the smackdown on James with this gem:
"Viv, I think you should get Henry checked out for diseases…lol"

Good times... lol


And I'll end this post at this point, b/c the next few days deserve their own post. Check back soon!


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