Thursday, January 19, 2006

The rest of my vacation post (finally)

Ok, I know this is a few week's late but I just have to get through this (for posterity's sake at least).

I went through most of the major happenings of my vacations in other posts, but these are some of the other things I did.

-Went to see The Chronicles of Narnia- The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe in the last week of December with my whole family. I just just finished re-reading the book a few days before, so it was quite fresh in my mind. And with that said, I must say they did a very good job in keeping true to the book. They only altered a handful of scenes and only left out one or two parts, but in it turned out for the better for the movie in each instance. So props to the makers of the movie. I enjoyed it greatly.

-Went to the Museum of Natural History with Ariana, and my aunt, her husband, and Mitchell a few days later. We had a good time, but OMG it was sooooo crowded that day! I believe it was a Thursday, and I couldn't believe how many people were there. Granted it was during Christmas vacation, but still... I just thought it was a random Thursday, I had no clue why it was so jam-packed. So we only stayed for a few hours, but still made a day in the city. We walked across Central Park to 86th and Lex to grab a bite to eat, then took the train down to 59th and went to FAO Schwartz.

Now I hadn't been to FAO Schwartz in a VERY long time, but I could have sworn I remember it being both bigger and a lot more cool when I was younger. I mean they still have the floor keyboard, which they had people demonstrating a la the movie- Big. But other than that, the store was fairly unimpressive to me.

However, on the other end of the spectrum, we went to the Disney Store on Broadway right after and that place was pretty sweet/ They had lots of Christmas stuff on clearance so we all picked up some stuff for next year (including me purchasing a few items of my favorite Disney chracter-Stitch, like ornaments for my tree and stuff). So that was cool. And then after that, we ended our day by going to see the Rockefellar Christmas tree and took a few pics there. So all in all it was a fun day.


-As for New Year's Eve, it was a more laid back day for us this year. We decided to spend it with family and all went to my grandparents house. I brought the PS2 with me there and we played some DDR as well as a good amount of Karaoke Revolution with the whole family (which was quite amusing). And that was pretty much it.

-The rest of the week was fairly uneventful. Hung out with the family more, before they had to leave back to Florida, played lots of Dance Dance Revolution, watched lots of movies, caught up with a bunch of shows on DVR, etc.

-Only other thing of note that I haven't already mentioned was that me and Ariana went to see the Producers a little over a week ago. It was a fun movie, and I recorded the original on DVR the other week, so now I'm looking forward to watching that one to compare it.

-Oh, one last thing, I was at Bestbuy last week and while in line waiting to purchase something for Ariana, I noticed singing comedian- Stephen Lynch came out with a new CD, so I picked it up. It was hilarious as expected. If you're a fan, you should check it out.

And with that, I can now concentrate on completing my "Year-End Awards" (yes they will be coming SOON).


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