Wednesday, November 24, 2004

WWE had the right thought on the NFL and NBA

Gonna make this a fairly quick post, as it's my vacation and I intend to spend most of it either playing video games or hanging out.

I just HAD to mention one or two things really quick though.

First thing- I was watching Raw this past Monday, and the show opened up with the most hilarious skit I've seen in wrestling in a long time. Basically it was making fun of the Monday Night Football skit from last week with T.O. and the slut from Desperate Housewives (no I don't mean to be derogatory, her character is the "slut" of the show).

So the skit features Shelton Benjamin in the T.O. role and Trish Stratus in the Nicolette Sheriden (yes the slut has a name!) role, with an interuption by the one and only Vince McMahon.

I laughed so hard I nearly fell out of my bed. And apparently the joke was a popular one as even the NY Daily News picked up on it. Check out their article on it from their website.

And for those of you with a fast enough connection, you can check out a clip of the video itself from the WWE website right here (scroll to the bottom of the article for the clip link).

The skit also takes a quick jab at the huge brawl from last Friday at the end of the Pistons-Pacers game.


And speaking of the huge brawl, I was lucky enough to have seen the whole thing live as it happened on ESPN on Friday night. The clips they showed were only a small part of everything that happened. That mess went on for like 10-15 minutes.

I must admit though, my first reaction to it all was to laugh and cheer. But the stupid announcers had to go bring it down for me by calling it a travesty and such. And looking back on it, it WAS pretty bad, but dammit, it was fun to watch while it lasted.

And to throw my two cents in, I feel kinda bad for Artest. Now hear me out before you start with the whole "He deserved everything he got AND more!"

First off, yes I am aware that Artest has a history of a bad temper and getting into fights on the court and stuff. But check this... first he gets shoved right in the face by Ben Wallace. He starts to flip but then think better about it and tries to be good and calm himself down. He lies on the score table and even ignores a towel being thrown at him. But then all of a sudden a cup full of beer comes flying out of the stands and hits him in the face, and he loses it and runs into the stands to attack the fan who he thought threw it.

Now people are all like "Well he's a professional, he gets paid millions of dollars and has a contract and he should know better and not have done that." But I ask you, if YOU were in that SAME position, would you really have done any different???

I myself am a pretty calm guy and can take a lot, but if I just went through what he did and it ended with someone throwing a cup full of beer in my face, EVEN I would be hardpressed to say I would not have ran up to beat the crap out of that fan.

Millions of dollars and a contract does not change the kind of person you are in that kind of a situation. The dude was ALREADY heated, has a history of a bad temper and was doing his best to avoid trouble and doing the good thing before that incident. He was pushed over a line, that you have to give credit to him for not crossing earlier considering the type of person he is.

Am I totally defending him? No. He let his emotions get the best of him and he did something stupid and he deserves to be punished; everyone involved HAD to be suspended and the NBA DID have to make an example out of Artest to show the other players (and future players) they wouldn't tolerate that kind of thing.

HOWEVER, I think they were a bit extreme. 73 games (which will also include the playoffs if the Pacers somehow manage to reach them) is a LOT. The most amount of games anyone has ever been suspended prior to this has been 30 games. So Artest should have been given like a 40 game suspension. That's half the season right there. I think a whole season is pretty harsh, b/c as much as the NBA analysts and announcers proclaim how horrible it was for him to do what he did, like I said before I DARE for them to say that about 90% of them (if not more) would have done things differently if they were in his shoes. Because if they did, they would be full of crap.

Oh and the fans involved in anyway were all punks. While I was watching them (especially the ones who were throwing beer, popcorn, and bottles on the players as they were exiting the court to the back) I wanted to be there to smack them all upside the heads. They should all be ashamed of themselves. I wish there was a way to ban them all from the arena.

And I can say more about this, but I already had arguments about it all with my co-workers and then later on with my uncle and grandfather so i'm ending my piece here.

Although I must say, I LOVE the clip of when that idiot fan gets onto the court and I forget it if was Artest of Jackson but one of them came running at the fan and slided on some water on the floor to punch that guys lights out. They keep showing it in slow-motion too! It looks like something out of Street Fighter 2, absolutely hysterical (and btw, that fan TOTALLY deserved that, you get onto the field of play and your ass belongs to the players).

Ok and that was my last stance on that and also prob my last post for a few days (unless I get bored on Friday and decide to update again). Later!

Friday, November 19, 2004

Check it out!

I got a new icon for AIM!

Well actually I stole it from my friend Greg when he pasted it in an e-mail but it's awesome and it's now mine.

It's a headbanging MegaMan (similar to the famous dancing MegaMan I had under my Slambomb s/n). IM me to check it out!


I was able to find the Team America Soundtrack last week at Bestbuy. I was happy about that b/c I had the theme song stuck in my head all week.

It's a fairly short soundtrack (b/c I don't count the five or so "score" tracks) but it's hysterical. The "Rent" rip-off "Everyone has AIDS" is so wrong but so catchy, the Team America theme is the best song on the album, with the slow meloncholy version at a close second. Oh and the "Montage" song gets me to crack up everytime also (and it's pretty catchy too).

Like I said in the last post, u need to listen to this soundtrack (or better yet, go see the movie), you'll be highly amused.


And while I was happy to find that item at Bestbuy last week, I went again this week on Tuesday to pick up some new released including Buffy Season 7, Elf, and the Rise and Fall of ECW DVD.

However, the ECW DVD was sold out everywhere! I went to the Bestbuy in Central Ave, and it was sold out, they told me there were some copies left at the Hartsdale one, so I went there (it's only a 5 min drive) and when I arrived it was already sold out. I asked them to check the Mount Vernon one for me and they did and they said there were 4 copies left. So I was driving over, but then I was afraid that what happened to me in that short 5 min drive to the last Bestbuy would happen again, so I called ahead and sure enough, it sold out there also. I was not a happy man. I took a super quick detour to Cross County to try the Circuit City there and they were sold out also.

I found out it was b/c each store grossly under-ordered the DVD (only about 10 per store), which is pretty stupid, b/c not only was it a popular product, but it was also advertised. If they advertise it, they sure as hell should have a decent stock of it. So that had me kinda pissed b/c that was the DVD I was looking forward to the most. Hopefully they will restock by the weekend so I can get it at the sale price, b/c if not I will be even more upset.


Keeping on the tangent of wrestling, my buddy Phil told me the other day he got a job interview scheduled with WWE to do website stuff. He also mentioned that Kiti's co-worker's cousin is married to Shane McMahon and thus he may have an "in" to the company. I'm glad for him and all (maybe we can mooch free stuff!!) but good lord if he gets a job with WWE I will be so ricockulously jealous, lol.


On a completely different topic, have you all seen the latest McDonald's Happy Meal toys? They're from "The Incredibles" movie and they are pretty freakin cool.

I saw them last week in the display case and immediately wanted one (though I resisted the urge that first time to buy any). But then Ariana got a happy meal on Sunday and got me the Violet figure and it's really freakin cool (it's got a light-up spinning force field feature which looks awesome). Now I haven't bought a happy meal since... God, I don't even remember when was the last time I got a Happy meal, but I'm sure it was more than 10 years ago. But these McDy's toys are the first ones in YEARS that I've seen and actually been tempted to want to get. So since then I've been running around to different McDonalds buying Happy Meals, and have gotten the Mr. Incredible and Frozone toys. Each figure has a pretty unique feature, and are near actual packaged toy quality (and size) too. So for $2.70 per Happy Meal, I think it's a pretty good deal. I hope I'm able to collect the whole family, wish me luck!


In closing, this weekend is my mom's wedding. There are mixed emotions all around (which I won't go into detail with now), but I'm hoping all goes well and that they are happy for the rest of their lives. I also hope they don't annoy me either. It's gonna continue to be an odd transition to have an extra person in the house. Hopefully we won't wind up killing each other. Although in the end, I think the thing that scares me most is the possibility of me hearing any *ahem* "nocturnal sounds." I can just picture myself huddled in my room with my pillow over my head now... ::shudders::

Pray for me. lol

Friday, November 12, 2004

Talking about naughty puppets

Wrestling has been pretty cool over the past few weeks. The Survivor Series PPV is actually this Sunday so both shows were promoting it big time this week. Now for anyone who watches wrestling, Survivor Series is usually a PPV where two teams of 4 guys each battle in an elimination match. Well on Smackdown's roster it's Eddie Guerrero's team (consisting of Eddie, Rob Van Dam, Big Show and John Cena) vs Kurt Angle's team (consisting of Angle, Luther Reigns, Mark Jindrak, and Carlito Cool).

So last night me and Ariana were watching the show and to hype up that match they had Big Show vs Kurt Angle. Big Show came to the ring first and waited as Angle made his entrance with the rest of his group. Thing is, most of them where in Red, White and Blue, Angle's theme is playing while the crowd chants "You Suck!" to the beat of the music and they are all bad guys. So Ariana immediately sings- "Team America! F**K YEAH!" and I freakin burst out laughing. And I know that may not be funny to you if you haven't seen the movie but if you have and know about wrestling, that was just too perfect. So dammit, I just had to share.

That also hasn't been the first time Ariana has come up with some hysterical comments or phrases during a wrestling show. As she has gotten into the show more and more over the last few months she's been coming up with more and more funny stuff. She still gets me laughing everytime, when she begins to sing "I Feel Pretty, oh so Pretty!" everytime guys like Batista strike some gay looking poses. It's things like that, which prove I have the most awesome girlfriend.


Going back to Team America for the moment. I forgot to mention that how on Friday when me, Ariana and Stevo were grabbing pizza after the show, Steve had the Team America soundtrack on him. I listened to almost the whole thing there b/c it was so hard to put the headphones down b/c I was enjoying myself laughing my ass off so much. I will tell you all right now, it has some hysterical stuff. It's not as awesome as the South Park movie soundtrack (but not many things are) but it's still hilarious. I went to Bestbuy the next day to buy it but it was sadly sold out. Hopefully I will find out this weekend though.


Oh and speaking of things with puppets. Henry sent me a link the other week to a site that is taking pre-orders for a replica of the Puppet of Angel from the episode "Smile Time" from last season.

The pic on the link is a prototype, so it's not how the final version will look, but I've heard that it will wind up being an exact 1/2 scale replica of the Puppet used on the show. It comes out in March and I absolutely can't wait, cuz I've been saying from the moment I saw the episode that "I WANT ONE!"

and dammit, I'm typing this blog at work, on my mac, and apparently I can't put make hyperlinks out of words here, so I will just paste the link right below... (stupid macs)

Thursday, November 11, 2004


Had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday night, I went with Ariana and Stevo to see Yellowcard in concert at Roseland. Other than the fact they had way more opening acts than we expected (they had three instead of just the advertised one), the show was very kick ass. They played absolutely everything I wanted to hear so I was happy.

The show did make the three of us feel quite old though as we were some of the oldest people in the crowd that WEREN'T parents bringing their kids. But at least it made our view better since everyone was short 14-18 year olds and I was able to see over everyone's heads pretty easily, lol.


On Saturday I went with Ariana, my mom, her fiancee (his name is Pat), and my grandparents to go see the Incredibles over at New Roc.

Now I knew the movie would be good (b/c hell, what Pixar movie is bad?) but I thought the movie was just freakin AWESOME. It was like watching a comic book in action. It was just a lot of fun and really well made. I highly recomend the movie to everyone!

The only thing that slightly disappointed me about the movie (well technically not the movie itself but the outting) was that the trailer for Star Wars- Episode III was supposed to be attached to the movie. So we got there mad early (b/c me and Pat were really excited for it) and when the previews finished and we didn't see it, we were kind of upset (although luckily we were perked up by the movie itself).

I wound up asking the theater manager why we didn't get the Episode III trailer and he gave me some story about how each theater only got one copy of the trailer. So while it is technically attached to the Incredibles, the movie is playing on four screens at the theater and the preview is only on one of them. So that annoyed me, but whatever, the trailer was gonna be availble online on Monday. I just wish I had seen it in the theaters.

However, once Monday rolled around, me and Pat watched the trailer on my mom's PC and it was freakin COOL. I was pretty excited for the movie after watching it, b/c it looks pretty dark and looks like it will have a lot of action.

I mean I'm stay a little wary b/c the first two movies also had awesome trailers and the movies themselves weren't as good as the hype (although I honestly did enjoy Episode 2), but I'm hoping the darker tone of this movie will help make it stronger.

But anyways, if you haven't seen the trailer yet, you should go to the Star Wars website right now and check it out. Also, do yourself a favor and also take a look at the trailer to the Episode III video game, it adds a few dimensions to what you see in the movie trailer. The link to the video game trailer can be found on the same page as the movie trailer, in the bottom righthand corner. Let me know what you all think.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

Losing Streak


I've had no luck lately in picking winners. All my favorites are being defeated.

First was Orton beating Benoit for the World Title at Summerslam. That just annoyed me to no end.

Then the Red Sox went and "reverse-swept" the Yankees and went on to win the World Series (which was also totally not cool).

Now finally today, the day after Election day I just found out that Kerry conceded the election to Pres. Bush meaning we've got to deal with four more years of that asshole. I am NOT pleased.

It's like, the first two things were minor in the grand scheme of things, but the whole Presidential race was REALLY important and I can't believe Bush has gotten the support he has, especially after all the LIES he has been found guilty of and the terrible things he has done for this country as a whole.

It truly baffles my mind. I mean I guess I can understand some people's thinking. All like how they don't want change, especially in time of war and how they don't believe Kerry will do much better. But fact is, Kerry couldn't have done much worse!!! People just got too comfortable and it's sickening.

But anyways, I said I wouldn't talk about the election anymore, so I'm not gonna go off on this subject. I will just close in saying that while I got a small rude awakening as to how STUPID people can be when I was at the Green Day show, I am now realizing that people in general are idiots. My faith in the intelligence of people has SEVERELY dwindled and this election just solidified that notion.


The NBA started last night and now all the sports shows are talking about that and the NFL, which just makes me miss Baseball more and more. It's no secret that Baseball is my favorite sport and it sucks I gotta wait for April to see it again. I hate this time of year sporting-wise b/c there is never anything good happening... oh well.


I also just heard re-surfacing rumors that the Yankees may use Jorge Posada as trade bait this year in acquiring Randy Johnson. Now I think Johnson would be a GREAT addition to the Yankees, but I don't wanna sacrifice Posada to get him. Posada is a career Yankee and one of the main pieces of the "heart" of that team. It'd be a crime to trade him. Plus, who would replace him? Flaherty is ok, but he can't be the Yanks everyday catcher. Plus good pitchers need a good catcher. So let's say the Yanks bolster their pitching... that's great but they need a catcher to guide them (especially younger ones like Vasquez). So I'm not thrilled with that idea. Hopefully the Yanks can get themselves into some three or four way deals to shuffle some players around. That might be their best bet considering their farm system currently sucks.

Oh and as for the rumors of Nomar Garciaparra coming to the Yanks... big deal. The Yanks already have bats and a good infield. Sure Nomar might be good at second base, but their priority MUST be pitching. The only position player I wanna hear about right now is Carlos Beltran, anyone else can wait until they've gotten their hands on some solid starting pitching.


On to other news, and possibly another debate. I ran across this article about Weezer. Basically it argues that Weezer is the most important band of the last 10 years and I'm leaning towards agreeing with them. Now I'm not just saying this because I'm a huge Weezer fan, but b/c I believe it is true. These guys have really influenced tons of bands and their first two albums have been the anthem for millions of high school and college students around the world. Sure there are "better" bands out there, but few as influential (IMHO). Check out the points made in the article and let me know what you think.


To end on a happier note, the other week Comedy Central had the 27 best episodes of South Park Marathon. The number 2 voted episode was the "Good Times With Weapons" anime episode (yay!) and the number one episode was the Jennifer Lopez one which I had never seen before. And OMG, had I been missing out! Between those two episodes right there, I saw the funniest hour of television I have seen in a LONG time.

The songs throughout the episode (like "Taco-flavored Kisses") were stuck in my head for over a week... and I didn't mind. If you have not seen this episode (or the anime one) before, do yourself a favor and either get on kazaa or bittorrent or something and download it. I guarentee you will laugh your asses off.