Thursday, July 29, 2004

I don't know what to title this post... ;-P

So the Yanks wound up losing (boo!) but the Marlins won, so I guess I can't be too pissed.  Felix Heredia still sucks though.


In other news, I was watching Cold Pizza on ESPN2 this morning and sometimes they have musical acts close out the show.  Well today they had Nina Sky (which is actually not a person, but a set of twins whose names are Natalie and Nicole... so I don't get the name but whatever...).  They did 2 songs but they interviewed them first.  It was kinda funny though, b/c they not only have major NY accents but their voices are kinda deep, which you probably wouldn't expect by looking at them (or from hearing their songs).   So I just found that kind of amusing.


Speaking of amusing I have a few new favorite commercials.  Right now my number 1 fav is of course a beer commercial (cuz even though I don't drink beer, they always make the best commercials).  The one I'm talking about I believe is for Miller and it's one in their series of "great inventions."  The invention in this one is the remote control eye twinkle contact lenses.  They show a chick in a bar looking at some dude across the room.  She puts the twinkle setting to one and he sees it and smiles back, so she increases it to maximum power and all of a sudden it goes berserk and she starts shooting Laser beams out of her eyes ala Superman's heatvision and it keeps blasting people all over the bar while she frantically tries to shut it off.  Hysterical stuff.

Fav #2 is the new deodorant commercial with the Asian guy getting attacked by ninja's... insane and stupid but amusing.

and fav #3 I actually JUST saw this morning.  I don't even remember what it was for exactly (I think it was for some chocolate-type drink at one of those coffee places).  But anyways, it starts off with a guy talking with a major lisp and recounting a story (which they show) of how his wife was making a cake and he wanted to lick the beater... which was still plugged in.  Needless to say, it turns on while he's licking it and his tongue gets caught in it.  Just the visual of it (and how dumb the guy acted) had me cracking up.

Those are all I can think of at the moment.  Anyone else out there have any favorite commercials at the moment?  Feel free to share.


Oh and last but not least.  I went to Bestbuy yesterday and purchased 2 items.  The MTV Spider-Man animated series (which I watched a few episodes of this past weekend on MTV2 and wound up enjoying quite a bit) and then Hard Knocks: The Chris Benoit Story.

The Benoit DVD has a bunch of matches spanning his career including stuff from Japan, ECW, WCW and WWE.  Well I decided to pop it in last night before I went to bed to watch the first match, which was actually a very old match from Japan where Benoit as Pegasus Kid (when he had a mask and all) fought Jushin Thunder Liger for the Junior Light-heavyweight title.

The cool thing about the DVD is a lot of matches have alternate commentary.  One by Michael Cole and Tazz, the other with Chris Benoit, Dean Malenko and fairly new WWE announcer Todd Grisham.

I decided I wanted to hear what Benoit's group had to say about the match so I listened to the match with that commentary on. 

Well I thought Todd Grisham was lame before, but now I realize he is just a DUMBASS!  The guy was asking the DUMBEST questions and obviously does not know much about wrestling at all!!  And as serious as Benoit and Malenko are, u could hear them at points trying to stifle back laughter (or calling the guy a dumbass) after a bunch of his stupid questions.  Someone needs to please tell me how that fool got a job with the WWE?!  Cuz if that guy can get one I'd be a shoo-in.

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

Fire that man!

Ok, I wasn't gonna post again until tomorrow most likely, but I just had to vent somewhere.  I am currently watching the Yankees-Blue Jays game and Jon Lieber pitched a great game and was taken out in the 8th with 2 outs.  But then for some godforsaken reason they put in Felix Heredia to relieve.  Now the Yanks were only winning 2-1... why on earth would u put that loser up there to pitch to one of the Blue Jays best hitters???  Heredia's numbers are TERRIBLE!

So now the bastard just gave up a huge hit and Sheffield made a rare bad throw and the game is now tied... DAMMIT ALL!  And poor Lieber, all that hard work for nada.

Why can't Heredia end up on the DL instead of the rest of the Yankees pitching staff??  Cuz for some reason Joe Torre keeps on using the fool, at least if he was on the DL, he wouldn't have that option... uggh, I'm just annoyed.  Does this game mean anything?  No, not really, but I just spent half my night watching this game and reading comics instead of playing KOTOR, so the Yanks better freakin win.

My only consolation is I just saw that Florida is leading Philly in the 6th, Go MARLINS!  (Mind you, if both the Marlins and Yankees lose tonight I'll be even more upset).


I know I said in my first post that I prob wouldn't update this sucker very much but this thing is more addictive than I first gave it credit for.  My first priority is still my journal but this is fun and I can just ramble about anything I wanna share with people that may not come up in conversation.  So yeah, expect to hear more from me here.


Turns out the war I expected in Phi Beta didn't happen.  Pretty much everybody took my side in it.  So that was over pretty quick.  I guess it's good no fighting broke out, but in a way I was hoping for it, b/c it would be a good natured battle and it would have been entertaining as well.  Maybe next time, heh.


Jordan called today to finalize all plans for the Rolling Rock trip this weekend.  So many cool bands are gonna be there like Velvet Revolver, Hoobastank, Disturbed, StainD, N.E.R.D., etc.  I can't wait, it's gonna be a lot of fun. 


Been following the baseball standings pretty closely lately.  The Marlins got back to .500 today, so I'm happy.  I know it's gonna be very tough for them to win the division (they have the hardest second half of any team in the league) and I'm honestly not expecting it (even though I'm rooting for them), but I would at least like them to finish over .500, I'd be happy with that. 

I'm also rooting on the Chicago White Sox, Oakland A's and Anaheim Angels.  Not over the Yankees of course, but just for them to do well and have a good record and have one of those teams win the Wild Card in the AL over Boston.  As I stated in a previous post, I'd be quite a giddy bastard if that happened.

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

Iron Man, causing trouble, and get this game!

I watched Raw last night and it kicked ass... yes the Diva search thing is one of the most mind-numbingly stupid things they've put on Raw recently.  Seriously now, the seduce Kamala thing wasn't even more than a slight "heh" on the funny factor the first time they carted his ass out, and it wasn't funny the next EIGHT times (I wish I was exaggerating with that number) either!

Oh and Randy Orton winning the battle Royal pissed me off too... and the prospect of him winning the title at Summerslam scares me, but at least that match was good and had me all up in my seat cheering and praying Jericho would win.

But the suckiness was all washed away by the awesomeness that was Benoit vs HHH for 60 minutes in an Iron Man match.  Not enough good can be said about that.  And thank God Benoit retained the title.

Oh and the Yanks won too, so that helped ease the pain of losing to the Sox this weekend.

And in unrelated news, it seems I am stirring a bit of $#it (all in good fun though) with my friends in Phi Beta.  Actually Graham started it, but I took it to a whole other level.  We were arguing about whether Spider-Man 2 was a good movie or not (Graham said it sucked, I articulated and said it was fun but could have been better in some parts and how I didn't like how they set up Green Goblin 2, instead of Venom which I think would be cooler) and oh man did that escalate into a war.

But then when that war finally died down, once again Graham started ranting about the hotness of one tennis star, Maria Sharapova.  He started going on about her cute face, but then raved about her ass and sent pics of her from some tennis matches she was in.

And for some reason I couldn't help but respond to his e-mail, agreeing that while she does have a cute face, she had absolutely no ass.

It's like hey, I'm Puerto Rican, we like our women with some booty, just look at who my g/f is! lol ;-)

and I said that in my response, but I just KNOW that this is gonna start another war, but at least I know I'll have Greg on my side for this one, what with his obsession with J-Lo and all, heh.

And let's see anything else to ramble about before I go?  Oh yeah, anyone out there with an X-Box should buy Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.  I finally started playing it last week and it kicks much ass.  The controls and stuff took a little bit to get used to but now that I have, I love this game... I just can't wait to get my lightsaber (yes, I am such a dork, lol).

Monday, July 26, 2004

Oh Dear God NO!

I was just reading Online Onslaught- my favorite wrestling website and came across an article talking about how former WWF female wrestler, Chyna was on Howard Stern this week.

One of the items of note that occurred on the talk show was this (and the writer's description of what was said is totally my feeling on the subject.  Oh and btw, Sean Waltman for those of you not in the know, is the former X-Pac or to you old school fans the 1-2-3 Kid):

-Admitted to filming a sex tape with Sean Waltman that she might release.  I proceed to vomit and and then gouge my eyes out so that I never will see such a terrible crime against humanity.
Dear God in Heaven... that'd be the SCARIEST thing ever.  Sadly even the mention of such an atrocity gives me mental images that chill me to the bone.

Why so scary you ask?  Any wrestling fan would know... plus think of this X-Pac plus two words:


Yup, I say that qualifies as disturbing... it'd be like a chihuahua humping a pitbull... although for some reason I can't escape the horrid idea of X-pac being the "catcher."  Well at least sicko fanboys will have the question they've been wondering about finally answered: "just how big is Chyna's penis?"

Wait "she's been in Playboy, she's obviously a woman" you say?  It's called airbrushing, think about that and try to sleep at night.

All I gotta say is that is just SO not cool...

Bunch of punks...

Had a fairly laid back weekend which was nice.

I won tix from KROCK to go see the sneak preview of Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle on Friday.  This seems to be the summer of dumb movies (Dodgeball, Anchorman, etc), and I love it.

This weekend was also the next series of games between the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox.  So of course I watched as much of them as I could.  Sadly Boston won 2 out of 3 (with a heart-breaker on Sat) but while watching these games with Ariana we came to a conclusion... Boston is a team of punks.

Seriously, look at the majority of them!  They are all scummy looking dudes!  And to make things worse their "better than thou" attitudes make them even more grimy.

But yeah look down the list of them... Pedro... just look at him, that face... uggh, I just wanna smack him.  Trash I tell you.

Same with Manny Ramirez and David Ortiz... and what's with the disgustingly dirty batting hats??  Wash those damn things u dirty bums!

Wow... I sound pretty hateful right there and I'm not, anyone who knows me, is aware of that... but uggh, they do just bother me.  And thing is, this isn't just b/c I'm a Yankee fan, they just seem like scummy guys (not all of them I'm sure but a bunch of them).  Even if I wasn't a Yankee fan I'd think this of their team.  I pray they don't get to the World Series this year... the Yanks don't have to win it, just as long as Boston doesn't.  Those guys don't deserve it.  Maybe when they build a team with class it won't bother me so much but until then, they shall earn my ire.

Just watch how I'll laugh if(/when?) they don't even make the playoffs (Go Chi Sox, Oakland and Anaheim!)

Hmm... now I feel I gotta end this on a happier (or at least different) note.  Oh yeah, I finally watched Unbreakable again (3 years later) with Ariana and my mom (who were seeing it for the first time).  And I still think it was awesome, and now after knowing the ending, I caught a LOT of clues throughout the movie, which was cool.  I also watched some of that documentary thing on M. Night Shamalyan and damn... that thing was creepy... and I don't know whether to believe it or not... but I believe it did it's job... I now wanna see The Village.

They can say all they want about Shamalyan being against the documentary and being fake, but I don't believe that this WASN'T some kind of ploy to get people interested in his movie which oh, just so happens to be opening within the next week or so.  So yeah whether it was real or not, nice marketing ploy there.  Props to you all if that was a work, well done.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

I want that job! And boycott that movie!

I just got home not too long ago and immediately turned on ESPN to watch my newest guilty pleasures: Around the Horn and Pardon the Interuption (PTI).

There is just something really fun about watching grown men argue over sports (and even funnier to watch them argue over stuff that's not sports).  But it leads me to wonder... how the Hell do u get a job like this??? 

I mean seriously, they are getting paid to go on TV and argue over sports (in a friendly competition).  I want that job!  I can ramble on about sports and other random current events!  Lucky bastards...

In other news, to no one's pleasure (except horny teenagers who prob have no access to porn) Catwoman opens tomorrow.

I urge you all to boycott this movie.  It looks absolutely terrible.  Plus I'm a comic fan and this isn't even the Catwoman from the Batman comics, the costume is terrible, the acting looks bad and even the special effects look totally lame.

Even the Daily News had the right idea.  This is off the blurb for their review of the movie:
"Halle Berry needs to take out her Oscar every morning and swear to it that she will not accept any more demeaning, stupid roles. Unfortunately, it's too late to do anything about "Catwoman," which litters the nation's screens beginning at midnight tonight"

Just to show you how much I'm against this movie... I have a free ticket to it which I got when I bought the Batman: The Animated Series Vol. 1 DVD and I STILL would refuse to go.  'Nuff Said.

First post

I don't know how often I'm gonna post stuff here... I already have a journal thingie (which I fall behind on all the time).  I basically just signed up so I could respond to other people's stuff- (specifically Henry's Shot @ Greatness).

But I do have one funny thing to share...

Last night I went to the Yankee-Blue Jays game.  And while there the topic of our pornstar names came up (I believe we were discussing I Love the 90's and how they mentioned it). 

Well Ariana's wound up being "Dream Morris" which is pretty good, but nothing compared to mine, which was:

Buddy Dewitt.

Go ahead, say that outloud and tell me that isn't one of the greatest pornstar names ever, hehe.  [Here's a hint for any slow people out there: pronounce the last name with "dew" instead of "de"]